jsarno 11-05-2006, 11:50 PM In that game, I though we would lose right up until about a half second before Moss caught the second TD. In this game, I thought we would win right up until A.A. got beat by Whitten. So, last year's game felt like we stole it. This year felt like we had it, lost it, and then stole it.
I agree with this!
So last year's would get my nod, but ANY time we beat the cowpatties is my favorite!
SmootSmack 11-06-2006, 12:30 AM while today's was definitely crazier, last years was definitely more awesome.
it established Moss as awesome player, and it was in Dallas in their face. less to do with luck and more to do with awesome.
And now that I think about it last year's was during that Ring of Honor ceremony the Cowboys had right?
fja711 11-06-2006, 01:36 AM At the end of the day, it was a much needed, GREAT WIN, that will be remembered and talked about for years to come!
illdefined 11-06-2006, 01:58 AM And now that I think about it last year's was during that Ring of Honor ceremony the Cowboys had right?
yessir. and on monday night for all to see.
:FIREdevil <- Moss (picture Roy Williams behind the flames)
ArtMonkDrillz 11-06-2006, 08:40 AM Personally, I'd say this one was better, but only because I was there. From our seats we couldn't see if either or the kicks were good or not so we basically had to go by the endzone crowd's reaction. It was like we won the freaking Super Bowl in our section.
What a great birthday weekend.
BDBohnzie 11-06-2006, 09:28 AM (AMD, How was Medieval Times?)
I'm gonna throw my hat towards this one. While last year's comeback was bittersweet, this one has more significance, more of a momentum turnaround...
ArtMonkDrillz 11-06-2006, 09:39 AM (AMD, How was Medieval Times?)
I'm gonna throw my hat towards this one. While last year's comeback was bittersweet, this one has more significance, more of a momentum turnaround...
Medieval Times was as ridiculous as I had hoped. I got really drunk and quoted the Cable Guy like it was my job (I am such a dork). So that night, plus the Maryland win (that was a safety damnit), and the Skins yesterday, so niiiiiiiiiiiice. I just wish I had seen Borat to really complete it all.
If Santana had made the second TD last year as time expired I would say that was better, but the fact that the game ended in such a weird way yesterday means it was the better of the two, IMO.
dall-assblows 11-06-2006, 10:27 AM this one was better because we will never ever see this again (watch it happen next sunday). where as scoring 2 td in 4mins is still amazing and unbeliveable, but missing a kick , blocking a kick, making a kick is so much sweeter.
ArtMonkDrillz 11-06-2006, 10:36 AM I was talking to my friend as we walked down the FedEx ramps with our heads held high and we were saying how rare it is to see a safety in the NFL, how rare it is to see a blocked (game winning) FG in the NFL, and how rare it is to see a game actually get extended by one play because of a penalty which then allows a team to win in regulation in the NFL; now, put all those together and you get a game the likes of which you will never see again.
hurrykaine 11-06-2006, 10:38 AM This win is just as sweet as Brunell to Moss in Sept 05. The ending was more improbable than last year. This is payback for Testaverde to Crayton in '04, and Aikman to Irvin to come back from 35-14 down and win in OT.