The Zimmermans
11-01-2006, 10:29 AM
You cannot ignore the wasted resources. Signing these free agents for so much money prevents us from being able to sign talent. If we hadnt spent so much on Arch and Carter, we could have found better guys to fill in for our injured players. We leave no room for injuries or mishaps during the season. Do we really expect everyone to stay healthy all year???? I also don't understand why a drafted rookie is sitting the bench (mcintosh), while a talentless veteran (Holdman) rotts on the field. Why don't we ever do the obvious??????
11-01-2006, 11:46 AM
I really don't understand why everyone doesn’t get it? It's really not that hard to figure out. INJURIES have plagued the D, and without a good D, you will rarely win a game. I don't think our O has done that poorly considering we have a brand new Offensive Coordinator and 700 page play book. I DON’T think it is all Brunell’s fault, I just think that’s the easy answer. I think the O has put considerable points on the board. Our Secondary BLOWS and has handed games to teams that NEVER should have beat us. When we tied up with the Titans we just let them march right back down the field and make a filed goal. Just like that. Same with the Jags...we were lucky to beat them (thank you O). This has all been about our D, in my opinion. Our O is strong enough to win games, for sure. Of course now we are dealing with our O being hurt going into Dallas, which is just awful. HOWEVER, Springs AND Rogers are back now on our D. At this point, anything can happen, but I really don’t think this season is that hard to grasp. It's disappointing for sure, but it’s reality. You have a banged up D, and new guys, and your moving people around and putting them places they aren't their strongest = losing games. The coaches are trying their hardest to make things happen THIS season.
That Guy
11-01-2006, 02:35 PM
I really don't understand why everyone doesn’t get it? It's really not that hard to figure out. INJURIES have plagued the D, and without a good D, you will rarely win a game.
if we had better depth, it wouldn't be such a big deal. but we don't have a good FO setup, and whoever is in charge of aquisitions isn't good in picking talent OR addressing very obvious needs (punter, kicker, b depth, etc).
11-01-2006, 10:34 PM
Who cares if he deals with the agents? What does that have to do with the price of tea in China? What we pay our coaches and players has nothing to do with our play on the field. This team clearly has attempted to be smart in free agency and hasn't really been tied up by salaries. I don't think anyone can say right now we are losing simply because we have paid too much money for bad players. They can maybe say we just have bad players but money has zero to do with it. We dont have any "bad" players simply because we couldn't afford anyone better. Our bad players have either aged, gotten hurt or under-performed. Every guy playing for us was chosen to do so. Snyder does the deals for the players the coaches want. Arch didn't get 8 mil because we couldn't afford the better 9 mil player. He got 8 because they wanted him and Snyder made it happen. We are not losing because of anything Snyder has done.
First of all, I never said we have BAD players just overpaid players. If you think that overpaying players has nothing to do with this teams win loss record then you're sorely mistaken. We have absolutely no depth on D and no way to fix the problem this season. This is because we spent too much for a few superstars than addressing the real problem, depth. Last year we make the playoffs and we really don't change a whole lot in the off season. What a coincidence.