Sheriff Gonna Getcha 10-31-2006, 12:42 AM The skins will be dominated again this Sunday.
You are probably right, but only because of our injury situation. On offense, Santana Moss, Randel El, and Clinton Portis are all injured. On defense, our starting corners are injured, our middle linebacker is injured, and our starting defensive tackles are injured. On special teams, we lost our kicker to IR.
So, yeah, you'll probably beat our second unit. That's something to be proud of.
5RINGS 10-31-2006, 02:02 AM You are probably right, but only because of our injury situation. On offense, Santana Moss, Randel El, and Clinton Portis are all injured. On defense, our starting corners are injured, our middle linebacker is injured, and our starting defensive tackles are injured. On special teams, we lost our kicker to IR.
Is Portis out? And Moss?
And half your D? Surely after a bye week they are ready to go....
mooby 10-31-2006, 07:29 AM Portis and Moss are looking unlikely to play at this point. It's still early though, so i'm holding out hope. That said the bye week didn't do anything as far as healing up injured players.
As far as I'm concerned the game will determine whether we are still in the Brunell era with (a weak) a playoff pulse, or Beginning the JC era! In the worst way..................I want them to................KICK DALLLAS ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dmek25 10-31-2006, 09:00 AM :dallas: :dallas: :dallas: :dallas: :dallas: :dallas: :dallas: :dallas: :dallas: :dallas: :dallas: :dallas: :dallas: :dallas: :dallas: :dallas: to me this game determines what happens the rest of the season. and i don't give a damn about who is hurt. lets take the players we have and see if any of them have any heart. i hate the cowboys, and to me they ain't shit:)
TheMalcolmConnection 10-31-2006, 09:24 AM You are probably right, but only because of our injury situation. On offense, Santana Moss, Randel El, and Clinton Portis are all injured. On defense, our starting corners are injured, our middle linebacker is injured, and our starting defensive tackles are injured. On special teams, we lost our kicker to IR.
So, yeah, you'll probably beat our second unit. That's something to be proud of.
At least we can say we beat the Cowboys full strength, TWICE last year. Our backups are like a JV team. If we beat your second team, I wouldn't have much shit talking to say.
TheMalcolmConnection 10-31-2006, 09:26 AM What REALLY pisses me off is that we were all like, "Damn, we FINALLY have the WR depth we need!" So if Moss and Randle El don't play, who do we start? Lloyd and Thrash?!
SmootSmack 10-31-2006, 09:28 AM I'd really be surprised if they don't play.
TheMalcolmConnection 10-31-2006, 09:32 AM I bet Portis plays, but I AM worried about Moss. As long as Randle El and Lloyd are at WR, I'm fine with that.
Well, YOU KNOW, Dallas D coaching staff are spending sleepless nights scheming for................HOLY SHIT, there starting Thrash, and Lloyd??????