10-19-2006, 04:18 PM
I play in a retro football simulation playing the 1965 and 1975
seasons and we'd like to find a die-hard Redskin fan to coach the '65
and or the '75 team. Our games are played over the internet head to
head. Each coach calls their own plays and the computer software
determines the play outcome by using the player's ratings and
statistics along with each coaches play call. It's kind of like
Strat-o-matic or APBA if you have ever heard of either of those
games except this is a computer program. It really is a blast
reliving these old seasons, in fact it's addicting. I've been in our
league since we started with the 1970 season in 2004 and I've had a
great experience. We will play the 1966 and 1976 season in late
January and 1967 and 1977 in September.
Here's our league website.
http://www.sportsattic.com/araig/1970/1970.htm (http://www.sportsattic.com/araig/1970/1970.htm)
Our league uses Action PC Football software.
http://www.dksports.com/football.htm (http://www.dksports.com/football.htm)
It's a fun game and does have a money back guarantee. It is very
intuitive and it feels like you're coaching football. If you have
any questions, let me know.
seasons and we'd like to find a die-hard Redskin fan to coach the '65
and or the '75 team. Our games are played over the internet head to
head. Each coach calls their own plays and the computer software
determines the play outcome by using the player's ratings and
statistics along with each coaches play call. It's kind of like
Strat-o-matic or APBA if you have ever heard of either of those
games except this is a computer program. It really is a blast
reliving these old seasons, in fact it's addicting. I've been in our
league since we started with the 1970 season in 2004 and I've had a
great experience. We will play the 1966 and 1976 season in late
January and 1967 and 1977 in September.
Here's our league website.
http://www.sportsattic.com/araig/1970/1970.htm (http://www.sportsattic.com/araig/1970/1970.htm)
Our league uses Action PC Football software.
http://www.dksports.com/football.htm (http://www.dksports.com/football.htm)
It's a fun game and does have a money back guarantee. It is very
intuitive and it feels like you're coaching football. If you have
any questions, let me know.