Southpaw 10-17-2006, 01:06 PM I'm no baseball expert so I can't make an educated post on the Yankees, but correct me if I'm wrong they seem to always have the highest payroll in baseball by far. I'm sure there had to have been a few high priced free agents mixed in there at some point along the way. No?
They did have Clemens on the roster in their last World Series, but my point is, all his recent free agent spending sprees have amounted to nothing.
RobH4413 10-17-2006, 01:10 PM I'm no baseball expert so I can't make an educated post on the Yankees, but correct me if I'm wrong they seem to always have the highest payroll in baseball by far. I'm sure there had to have been a few high priced free agents mixed in there at some point along the way. No?
Mabye he should have said... buying a championship with a salary cap doesn't work. If theres no limit, then you can build an ultimate team.
If we had the zero-cap Redskins, I'm sure we wouldn't have any problems at CB depth, D-line depth, etc... so the analogy is probably not appropriate.
We're not "buying" a team. Mabye the thread should be "Chemistry can't be managed by tweaking the free agent system and abandoning the draft" Because thats probably more accurate. I know we have plenty of good players via FA... but the record stands... 2-4.. bust.
Longtimefan 10-17-2006, 01:16 PM One thing is for sure, we have covered just about everything imagineable that is wrong with this team since that loss to the Titans on sunday. Just about everyone has a valid point about what is wrong, and what needs to be fixed. However, I wish it was as easy to fix what is wrong as it is to talk about what's wrong. I believe this FO needs to take a long hard look at how they do business so we don't have to continue being the brunt of everyone's jokes. The way this team has played so far this year is why we're so critized every year for our exotic splashes in the spring. These people laughing at us know the way we do business is not guarenteed to produce the desired result
We "MUST" change the way we do business.
RobH4413 10-17-2006, 01:34 PM Who the hell knows whats wrong.
I feel we have great players...I really think we did good this offseason.. I think we've got awesome coaches as well....
But we've seemed to have lost something...
Mabye it's really because Saunders is passing to much... our defense is growing tired because it's on the fields for so long... and it has an exponential effect. Smash mouth football is what this team was built to play... and untill we do so.. the problems will continue.
It's really anyones guess... I'm sick of talking about the Redskins, it hurts my head. I'm going to take a break, go make a sandwhich and ponder life or something.
SmootSmack 10-17-2006, 01:41 PM Thank You with the Steinbrenner reality check. He has won nothing but the division since he started going free agent crazy. Much like our beloved Skins. And what are their issues- lack of chemistry (Arod/Jeter) and aging/over the hill veterans. Sound very familiar to us.
You can make the argument that Brunell is over the hill. Perhaps Salave'a (not sure how old he is) But beyond him who is really aging/over the hill? Remember 2000 was 6 years ago.
#56fanatic 10-17-2006, 01:46 PM you know, I feel a little different than most when it comes to blaming Danny. I dont think he has played one snap, or coached one play (at least not since 2000) The coaches he has had in the past and present let him know what they need or want to win. He goes out and gets them. He gives our coaches the tools to win. How someone can blame a guy who writes the checks for a teams lousy play is beyond me. If the guy didn't spend the money, he would be critisized too. He can't win with most people. I did blame him for the debacle with the fantasy team he tried to create when he bought the team. but, Marty felt he had a good enough team to compete, so he didnt spend. Spurrier wanted quick players, so he went and go the players he wanted. Gibbs wanted certain players and wanted to get rid of certain players, that is what has happened. what ever Joe wants, Joe is going to get. Maybe dan can say no once in a while, but the chemistry thing can be put on the owner. Its up to the coaches and "core redskins" to promote that chemistry. What you can blame snyder for was firing and hiring coaches like he did. but not now. this falls squarely on the coaches and players.
PoundIt 10-17-2006, 01:59 PM No. Youre right. The age thing is not the factor it was. Springs is getting up there, being an injury prone 31. Big Joe is only 31. Some of our linemen are into their 30's. Arch looks like an old 28, maybe he just sucks. Maybe the point should not be as much about age as it should be about lack of chemistry.
You fucking suck Southpaw... you can't be a fan if we win OR lose, and when you lose you are a REALLY bad fan.
Amen, sister!
IMO, I don't see Joe trying to "buy chemistry". I see him trying to buy (unless we can get them to play for free) some alleged talented youngish FA's that can co-exist to accelerate the growth process whereby we win the SB quicker rather than longer. While it may seem unconventional, it does not mean it won't work. It hasn't yet. After all, there are 32 teams in the league, 31 of which employ the, build through the draft models. For 20+ it isn't working.
If you always do, what you have always done, you will always get what you have always gotten-Aristot?..........arastotel?.........Ary.......... .Plato!
Southpaw 10-17-2006, 04:00 PM Amen, sister!
IMO, I don't see Joe trying to "buy chemistry". I see him trying to buy (unless we can get them to play for free) some alleged talented youngish FA's that can co-exist to accelerate the growth process whereby we win the SB quicker rather than longer. While it may seem unconventional, it does not mean it won't work. It hasn't yet. After all, there are 32 teams in the league, 31 of which employ the, build through the draft models. For 20+ it isn't working.
If you always do, what you have always done, you will always get what you have always gotten-Aristot?..........arastotel?.........Ary.......... .Plato!
I can respect your argument because you actually presented a thoughtful opinion, but what was the point of quoting hess's little "real fan" tantrum?
I can respect your argument because you actually presented a thoughtful opinion, but what was the point of quoting hess's little "real fan" tantrum?
Regrets...I get a little carried away sometimes!