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dmek25 10-31-2006, 11:33 AM vick is the most over rated quarterback in the league. with that being said, he is one of the top 3 athletes playing in this league. and so far, for the falcons at least, that has translated into winning. he does not fit the traditional mold of an nfl qback, but whatever works, so be it. but to say he is on par with manning or mcnabb, that is just plain stupid. and im pretty sure everything i have said here has nothing to do with what color his skin is.
hail_2_da_skins 10-31-2006, 11:41 AM This post in insane. It went from, "Is Sean Taylor and Roy Williams over-rated?" to "Michael Vick and Donovan McNabb are over-rated?" to "whoever thinks Vick and McNabb are over-rated is racist". This is by far the most bizarre post ever. Both Sean Taylor and Roy Williams deserve the reputation they have gained. You can never discount the intimidation factor. What each player lacks in coverage skills is more than made up with the intimidation factor. Fear will cause wide receivers run bad routes, drop passes and short-arm catches. As for Vick and McNabb being over-rated, that's another absurb comment. Look at the results and the standings. Would you rather have Mark Brunell to quarterback your team or Vick or McNabb. I'll take Vick or McNabb in a heartbeat.
The Zimmermans 10-31-2006, 11:46 AM brunell sucks, so comparing anyone to him is meaningless. no one thinks mcnabb is overrated, just vick.
hands11 10-31-2006, 08:08 PM You are correct sir. We are here to talk about the Redskins and, more generally, professional football. But this site has a ZERO tolerance policy for racist statements. Accordingly, we take allegations of racism very seriously. I wish we didn't have to address the issue, but BMF21 has forced our hands.
Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.
I understand. Your approach is one way of dealing with the situation. And sure, you have the right to do it. Another way would be to let it go for the following reasons.
A. This means of communication (i.e) in writing. More specifically in writing where there is slow interaction, is a terrible way to communicate to being with. All we have are typed words. There is no ton of voice, facial expression, etc. As a rule of thumb I try to remember this so I give a forum like this more latitude. I'm also very careful what I type to any women I'm seeing using this format (IM or TM). Specially if they are having their friend visiting. ( ladies reading, please don't bit :). I never get into overly emotional issues with them in text, I always do it face to face or on the phone. See, you have to be careful, both writing and reading.
B. You don't really know anyone here so it's almost impossible to put what they are saying in context. Beside, most people here are not professional writers nor have they been to journalism school. The Internet has created a world where we are all authors, but few have any training in it.
C. Even if they were racist, it is very unlikely you would change their minds using this format. Those kind of changes come from real life experiences, not posting on a Skins board.
So, let it slide. Let it get lost in the thread and get back to what we are doing here. I hope that is sharing football knowledge, posting articles, compiling interesting stats, pumping each other up when things are slim and going wild win we are kicking Arrss.
hands11 10-31-2006, 08:20 PM Vick has looked great the last few days, but I want to see this consistantly from him before I buy in that his arm is better. I was a huge Vick fan when he went to tech, and really hoped he'd transition to the pros. If I want to see exciting, I put Vick in a class with Barry Sanders, but if I'm choosing a QB for my team, I'm picking passing over scrambles. Someone with enough to keep the play alive, but with an arm!
Vick did play amazing this last week. So has he been overrated. Probably true do date. I think people got pumped on his running and his potential.
I kind of see it like this. A QB that can run like Vick can take more time to gain other QB skills because they can always run. Randal Cunningham was like this. But as they get more years under their belts and they learn to be better D readers and passers, they become amazing QBs.
One important question is, how much leg do they have left before they learn the other QB game so they can have the best of both.
If Vick is actually learning that now, he could be a QB at the level of a McNabb or even much better. I think he will get there soon. ( This year or next )
SmootSmack 10-31-2006, 08:22 PM I understand. Your approach is one way of dealing with the situation. And sure, you have the right to do it. Another way would be to let it go for the following reasons.
A. This means of communication (i.e) in writing. More specifically in writing where there is slow interaction, is a terrible way to communicate to being with. All we have are typed words. There is no ton of voice, facial expression, etc. As a rule of thumb I try to remember this so I give a forum like this more latitude. I'm also very careful what I type to any women I'm seeing using this format (IM or TM). Specially if they are having their friend visiting. ( ladies reading, please don't bit :). I never get into overly emotional issues with them in text, I always do it face to face or on the phone. See, you have to be careful, both writing and reading.
B. You don't really know anyone here so it's almost impossible to put what they are saying in context. Beside, most people here are not professional writers nor have they been to journalism school. The Internet has created a world where we are all authors, but few have any training in it.
C. Even if they were racist, it is very unlikely you would change their minds using this format. Those kind of changes come from real life experiences, not posting on a Skins board.
So, let it slide. Let it get lost in the thread and get back to what we are doing here. I hope that is sharing football knowledge, posting articles, compiling interesting stats, pumping each other up when things are slim and going wild win we are kicking Arrss.
All valid points. In this case, however, the history of this particular poster I don't think can be ignored. He has been warned, to the point of a temporary ban from the site, to stop accusing us of racism and saying things like we're out to lynch athletes of color. And yet he continues to do it. Even if he's not a professional writer, if he's incapable of having an intelligent conversation without unnecessarily playing the race card at every turn then he doesn't belong on this, or any, site.
As mods, we could let it slide. And we have tried, and continue to try, to settle the issue with him privately. But if we let such messages pervade this site that wouldn't be fair to the members that make this site worth reading every day.
hands11 10-31-2006, 08:34 PM All valid points. In this case, however, the history of this particular poster I don't think can be ignored. He has been warned, to the point of a temporary ban from the site, to stop accusing us of racism and saying things like we're out to lynch athletes of color. And yet he continues to do it. Even if he's not a professional writer, if he's incapable of having an intelligent conversation without unnecessarily playing the race card at every turn then he doesn't belong on this, or any, site.
As mods, we could let it slide. And we have tried, and continue to try, to settle the issue with him privately. But if we let such messages pervade this site that wouldn't be fair to the members that make this site worth reading every day.
Nice to hear from a mod. I know your job is tough. I agree this doesn't have a place on a Skins board. That is why I was suggesting they drop it. This isnt the format or forum for that kind of thing.
Hey, while I have a mods attention. Could you possibly add a ( add to ignore list ) option when you click on a users name. I found this the only way to sanity before I left the Xtreme board. They just got to many people over there and it got out of control because the site didn't adapt to the increased users. They needed to implement some new structure like not letting new users post new threads or something like giving users age bracket they could choose to log into so people of closer maturity levels and skins experience could post to each other. Hopefully you'll are more open minded to this kind of thing as you gain more users. I wouldn't be surprised if you get more people coming from there to here like I did.
I was one of the early members over there so I got to see things change. I also have an internet marketing background so if you'll ever want a view from the outside, just let me know.
SmootSmack 10-31-2006, 08:42 PM If you click on a username, then "view public profile" you'll see a button to ignore
hands11 10-31-2006, 08:57 PM If you click on a username, then "view public profile" you'll see a button to ignore
thanks. I found it. Please consider moving that the first list where you see where you see, add to buddy list.
thanks again