06-10-2004, 06:51 PM
wow!! That is a good one itvnetop, there are many, I would go with either Doug Williams performance in the Super Bowl against Denver only because if you remember after the first possion Williams was injured then he came out and launched an 80 yard TD pass which sparked our 35 points in the second quarter of that game.
Who is the next skin to be nominated for the Hall of Fame?
06-10-2004, 06:53 PM
Sorry about the spelling errors in my last post, I have ben working 12 hour days and I am a little tired.
next Skin for the Hall?
Darrell Green
next question:
If you had the choice of unlimited personal wealth or world peace, which would you choose?
06-10-2004, 07:47 PM
wealth, I think world peace would be boring.
New Question: Why isnt Art Monk in the HOF?!?!?
06-10-2004, 08:11 PM
Because there are obviously a bunch of idiots making the decisions there. He definitely deserves to be in the Hall!!! I don't think anyone answered the linebacker question?? How bout Chris Hanburger!!! He was awsome!!!
next question: What will our final record be this season?
06-10-2004, 08:14 PM
11-5, three of the loses coming early in the season then Gibbs making all the right adjustments.
New Question: Favorite player to use in Madden?
06-10-2004, 08:38 PM
Favorite player: Me!
Question: Sweet or sour?
Dave Butz Baby!
06-10-2004, 08:42 PM
I like 'em sweet, baby!
Our next Jeopardy question for $200 is in the category of Films: What's the best Star Wars movie?
06-10-2004, 09:13 PM
If anyone says anything besides "Empire" they should be shot hehehe
next question: Why is the new trilogy so bad?
06-10-2004, 09:32 PM
the original triology was so good because everything was real. There are entire scenes in the new ones that are all CG. If Lucas had made all the sets and everythign the way he originally did then it would have been a better set of movies. They looked more real when they werent computer done.
New Question: You all realize that everyone except Yoda, Obi Wan and Anakin should die in the next movie right? and that if its not a very dark movie ill be serioulsy dissappointed