Those who think Holdman has not been a problem better get TIVO or watch NFL Network tonight at 8. They ran at him constantly. He missed tackles got pushed back and never caused a disruption. Rocky has been consistent on Special Teams. Holdman should be cut and replaced, period. As far as Archuletta, he just does not read the gaps and fill the hole. Rodgers, BIG DISAPPOINTMENT. IF he would turn his head around it would be nice. 2 rookie DT's spells no dline push. Those who also think Ade should be playing have never watched him as he has failed repeatly. Seems he got beat on a simple in route, they were in gol to go so he did not have to worry about getting beat deep. If you ask me they have not blitzed and Williams is the one who has created this disaster. My favorite drill is when they do up and downs then run after the cones. He idiot they run after footballs not cones. The only orange thing they have been running to is the little pylons int eh corners of the endzone, trying to keep the other team from touching them.
10-17-2006, 05:27 PM
did you happen tonotice if Lamar Marshall plaed any better?
10-17-2006, 05:42 PM
Holdman is only one factor in a bevy of factors for this atrocious defense. If we had a defensive line worth a nickel, Holdman, Marshall and Marcus Washington would be making a hell of a lot more noise. Right now, the front four absorbs everything, never gets penetration, and when lined up against an offense committed to running the ball, they'll get run on.
Not only that, the secondary hasn't been able to cover ANYBODY yet. There are fundamental breakdowns all over this defense. Singling out Warrick Holdman is like General George Custer raising hell with a poor marksman at the Battle of Little Big Horn.
Still, I also wonder what the coaches are afraid of at this point by playing Rocky Mac.There are many issues on defense, and I think Archuleta and Holdman and Rogers are getting the brunt of it. Our Ends have been horrid so far. Holdman is a huge problem and should be replaced. Archuleta has weaknesses in his game and GW knew that when he was brought in here. Archuleta isn't part of the main problem that is no pressure on the QB, he merely is the most picked on DB after the system falls apart. No excuse for his periodic shoddy tackling though. Washington and Taylor aren't making plays. Lemar is playing at Lemar level, but its lost in a lack of success around him. You can run right at Andre Carter every play and be fine. Griffin helps vs the run, but when he's out we are in trouble. Daniels is on the downside. He's lost a bit over last year.
10-17-2006, 05:43 PM
I'd like to add that if there weren't problems with the front 4, you wouldn't even notice Holdman being out of position and Marcus Washington would actually be making plays.
10-17-2006, 05:50 PM
Should Demetric Evans be playing more?
10-17-2006, 05:53 PM
Should Demetric Evans be playing more?
great question. frankly i think so. over who though? Daniels or Carter? i'm still hoping Carter remembers who he's $upposed to be one of these games...
10-17-2006, 05:55 PM
I think you are right, he should play more. I am thinking that Carter should come in on passing downs. Rynaldo Wyn started last year let him play on running downs.
10-17-2006, 06:35 PM
great question. frankly i think so. over who though? Daniels or Carter? i'm still hoping Carter remembers who he's $upposed to be one of these games...
How about this? So long as Salave'a and Griffin remain hurt why start two rookies at DT. Why not move Daniels inside, he's played tackle under Blache in the past. And give Evans the start on the end
10-17-2006, 06:38 PM
yeah Montgomery failed to impress. don't think Daniels is quite big enough to be a runstopping DT. at that point i think we'd just go 3-4.
10-20-2006, 01:40 PM
Has any one heard if we will see McIntosh playing this week at linebacker