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hooskins 10-11-2006, 05:17 PM Rogers wasn't matched up against the other team's #1 WRs all the time last year either. I know people always want to keep digging for reasons, but the reasons are simple. We've lost two key defenders in Springs and Prioleau.
Look at how different the offense was minus just one guy in Portis.
Our offense was not all too great all our playmaker towards the end of the season.
chris36 10-11-2006, 05:19 PM Champ Bailey, Darrell Green, Fred Smoot, Antoine Winfield.
Ed Reed One of his best year, was his first.
2002Baltimore Ravens168571.0141516733.45907
Dawkins had on of his best years as rookie also. I have seen maney safties get better as they got older, but most corner backs get a little better within the first three years and then get worse as they get slower.
Champ Bailey, Darrell Green, Fred Smoot, Antoine Winfield.
Ed Reed One of his best year, was his first.
2002Baltimore Ravens168571.0141516733.45907
Dawkins had on of his best years as rookie also. I have seen maney safties get better as they got older, but most corner backs get a little better within the first three years and then get worse as they get slower.
You seem to be pointing out exceptions to the rule, and Reed and Dawkins are safeties not corners.
If it's so easy to play corner right from the start, I want to see alot more examples than just the obvious ones.
chris36 10-11-2006, 07:05 PM I knew that they were safties. I was just pointing out that it is easier to teach a saftey, than a corner. I looked at numerous corners, most played their first year. You show me some good corners that spent two or three years playing shitty, and got a whole lot better. Carlos is doing OK, but will never be great.
offiss 10-12-2006, 05:48 AM Rogers wasn't matched up against the other team's #1 WRs all the time last year either. I know people always want to keep digging for reasons, but the reasons are simple. We've lost two key defenders in Springs and Prioleau.
Look at how different the offense was minus just one guy in Portis.
Correct me if I am wrong, Portis did play last week didn't he? We scored 3 points, but we do have Clinton to thank for that, after all it was his dropped pass on a simple throw for a firstdown inside the Giant 10 yard line that allowed us to have to kick that fieldgoal. Perhaps he might take the work week a little more seriously instead of trying to figure out what kind of costume to wear, he might not have that type of lapse of concentration!
vaoutlaws2006 10-12-2006, 05:59 AM Let's just bench or cut everyone and call it a season.
There are other guys playing worse than Holdman.
lets see if i can name them. lets start with carlos " i get burnt weekly" rogers, not to mention adam " i got way too much money" archeleta, and andre " i probably should be playing linebacker" carter. Those three right there will make you forget about warrick holdman.
Correct me if I am wrong, Portis did play last week didn't he? We scored 3 points, but we do have Clinton to thank for that, after all it was his dropped pass on a simple throw for a firstdown inside the Giant 10 yard line that allowed us to have to kick that fieldgoal. Perhaps he might take the work week a little more seriously instead of trying to figure out what kind of costume to wear, he might not have that type of lapse of concentration!
I'm not saying every game with Portis in the lineup is a guaranteed win, but we're certainly a MUCH better team with him vs. without. I'm sure that even you can admit as much, well probably not.
Same goes for the D. Springs' return won't guarantee the D doing a complete 180, but I'll certainly rather take my chances with him vs. without him.
As far as ragging on CP for his costumes, that's just silly. It didn't have any sort of negative effect when they won 5 in a row to close out the season last year, did it?
Trying to correlate dressing up on Thursday to losing concentration in the game is assanine and just another example of you trying to take a lame shot at Portis.
illdefined 10-12-2006, 11:20 AM CP sure lapsed last season when he dressed up and we won 5 straight! got a bunch of 100yd games too.
CPDAMAN 10-13-2006, 02:42 PM I love CP, he's the man
CPDAMAN 10-17-2006, 04:09 PM We better see McIntosh this weekend.