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SmootSmack 10-11-2006, 03:33 PM That's a portion of this forum that will tell you you're not a true fan for that kind of comment. Trust in the demigod Joe Gibbs or DIE!!!
Then there are those who say those of us who believe and have faith (not blind faith) aren't true fans. Because real fans would be more critical
724Skinsfan 10-11-2006, 03:39 PM Uhhhh...I'm a more better fan than ...uhhh.... all y'all!
Southpaw 10-11-2006, 03:41 PM Then there are those who say those of us who believe and have faith (not blind faith) aren't true fans. Because real fans would be more critical
I actually commend the 100% faithful fans for being able to be so optimistic. I'm sure those are the type of fans that Snyder and company are the happiest to have, instead of the other side of the fence that questions every move that is made. But at this point, the organization should expect it, since all of the hooplah Snyder creates in the offseason has produced nothing but mediocrity.
hesscl34 10-11-2006, 03:42 PM That's a portion of this forum that will tell you you're not a true fan for that kind of comment. Trust in the demigod Joe Gibbs or DIE!!!
Damn straight!!! :)
SmootSmack 10-11-2006, 03:46 PM I wish the biggest problem in my life is whether or not the Redskins lose on Sunday. But it's far from it, it's a fun diversion so why approach it with such negativity.
TheMalcolmConnection 10-11-2006, 03:48 PM That's why when I wake up in the morning, I piss optimism. Then blow my nose with Mark Brunell tissues! ;)
I wish the biggest problem in my life is whether or not the Redskins lose on Sunday. But it's far from it, it's a fun diversion so why approach it with such negativity.
That's what I'll never understand.
But I have to say I've run across the same thing outside of sports as well. I lurk on some of my favorite band's message boards and it seems like there are always a big chunk of people who rip the band left and right, hate the latest CD, hate the latest tours, etc., and I'm like damn if you hate the music so much why do you listen to them, go to the shows, and buy their CDs?? Where is the joy in ripping what you enjoy?
TheMalcolmConnection 10-11-2006, 03:58 PM I think it's because maybe where there IS a change, people can feel the burn in their loins when they say, "I told you so."
Not that I'm saying that now, but I'm more on the "Brunell is a bigger problem than people think." side of the fence. God knows we have the talent, he's just got to get the ball there. That said, he's due for a few more good games and I hope to God he can find his rhythm that he did earlier in the year last year.
Southpaw 10-11-2006, 04:00 PM I wish the biggest problem in my life is whether or not the Redskins lose on Sunday. But it's far from it, it's a fun diversion so why approach it with such negativity.
I imagine football is a diversion for 99% of people that watch it. Making the comment that Washington is not a championship caliber team does not mean that my life is actually affected in any way, whether they win or lose, other than a little more profanity flying around my living room on Sunday during a loss.
And the word negativity is being used a bit too freely. Everyone on this forum shows "negativity" in one way or another, and there's basically two camps. The people that blame the secondary, the defensive front four, the offensive line, and after all of that, they might acknowledge that Brunell is playing inconsistent. Then there's the other side that blame Brunell first, and think everything is related to that. The only person who doesn't show any negativity at all is hess...
hesscl34 10-11-2006, 04:00 PM I think it's because maybe where there IS a change, people can feel the burn in their loins when they say, "I told you so."
Not that I'm saying that now, but I'm more on the "Brunell is a bigger problem than people think." side of the fence. God knows we have the talent, he's just got to get the ball there. That said, he's due for a few more good games and I hope to God he can find his rhythm that he did earlier in the year last year.
I love MY SKINS!! ... and the burn in my loins!!!!!!!! :)