10-10-2006, 06:06 PM
We're not going to win many games where you only run forty plays. What else can we say about the offense for one sunday. I really don't think there's anything wrong with the offense, sunday we just got it handed to us and that's going to happen to you in this league when you don't come ready to play. It appeared as though everything was wrong because we didn't play well, and we can't get it back. Time to move on, and hope we have more positive things to say after we beat the Titans on sunday.
10-10-2006, 07:40 PM
Control the ball? Hell, they didn't punt until the 4th quarter.
10-10-2006, 08:18 PM
Control the ball? Hell, they didn't punt until the 4th quarter.
The ideal situation is to control the ball against every team you play, but unfortunately it's easier said than done. I can't remember the last time we were able to play a ball control game against the Giants.
10-10-2006, 08:27 PM
Keep trying to compare brunell to the elite qb if you want to. ask any gm in the league who would they rather have brunell or manning or either manning. The difference between brunell and manning if your behind in the fourth quarter you know you have a chance to win or going to win with manning. Trying to compare manning to brunell is like trying to compare a sports car to a tricycle. You can make any stat you want to go in your favor but come cone on do you really think brunell a top flite qb. He so inconsitant one week good two weeks bad. Manning throw the ball down field our great sideline qb throws it behind the line or scrimmage or to the sideline 7o percent of the time. Its so high school its sad. brunell will have great stats this week against one the worst time in football and everyone will go ape about saying he back it will be a mirage. What really sad or makes me p-ss off is he suppose to be this mobile qb but everytime he under pressure or he assumes he under pressure instead of like other pro qb who step into the pocket it, Brunell just keeps backing up and up and throw the ball away instead of giving his so called playmakers a chance like the other teams do. Look at bledsoe the statue of stiffness on sunday against the eagles he ran a few time and got killed getting that td iby diving and takiing it for the team when has brunell ever done that,he just keep backing up and up or throw it away instead of running maybe getting a yard or two and sliding and taking it for the team. Get a couple of yards then go out of bounds do something else beside throwing the damn ball out of bounds. And anyone who tries to compare manning and brunell or with brady or palmer is on crack. hail to the skins
Paragraphs and capital letters are very underrated.
10-10-2006, 11:57 PM
You know I thought of something we did well on Sunday. The draw play. The Redskins are a very good draw team.
The year after Gibbs left, the offensive coordinator, Rod Dowhower, used to call draw plays all the time on second down and they never worked. That team was 4 and 12 and scored 10 or fewer points 9 times. I guess it could be worse.
10-10-2006, 11:59 PM
lol at least that something
10-11-2006, 01:58 AM
I think that the problem with the Redskins, and the Cowboys, is the QB.
That is why I never believed for a minute that neither Brunell was good after beating the Texans (come on) nor Bledsoe after beating the Titans (who by the way plays here in Washington on Sunday), and that is the team Dallas is playing next week and guess what? Bledsoe is going to look like a hero.
Some guys might say but we won against the Jaguars, yeah, but that was a solo perfermance by Moss. I mean come on, the throw was bad and Moss could have gotten a vicious hit but with his great ability makes the safety miss and runs it to the house for the OT winning TD. Both the other TDs were, in my opinion, made possible by Moss again.
Some guys say well we only had 40 sanps, or the TOP did not give the O enough time to do much. Well, that again is the QB's fault, how?
When the QB stinks as bad as our QBs, as we all know, the D will not respect the passing game and will bring more guys to the line or blitz more often. that is why you can't have as many rushing attempts as you would want and that affects your TOP.
The D didn't play as good, you know why, because THEY DID PLAY GOOD its just that you can't do too well when you are given a very slim margin of error, 19 points isn't not that high of a score to overcome.
the problem here (and I mentioned this before in other posts) Gibbs and Parcells LOVE their QBs, Brunell is the good ol' christian boy and Bledsoe is the guy Parcells drafted and doesn't want to admit that he made a mistake.
Now you could say that they don't have a better alternative, and that is the true and a very bad and costly mistake by the front office. I mean look at the money they spent on WRs this off-season and forgot one simple problem, do they have a reliable arm to throw the ball to them.
This might sound crazy, but I think it is better for the Redskins as a team to start playing Jason Campbell. Who knows? he might be the next Roethlisberger, and if he is not, well he is going to have enough experience to start next season. Brunell was washed up when he got here and it has only gotten worse, some fans get happy and jump up and down when the team wins a game, but never forget the games like the one they played in NY against a very shaky secondary, a team that I believe should've lost the game.
I say Romo and Campbell now, even if you have to sacrfice a seaons, you will have to, one way or another.
Sheriff Gonna Getcha
10-11-2006, 02:18 AM
I think that the problem with the Redskins, and the Cowboys, is the QB.
Welcome to the board Big D.
10-11-2006, 09:11 AM
Good post TheBigD. I agree with you 100%. Only, I don't feel starting Campbell is sacrificing the season, I think he gives us the same chance to win as Brunell when the game is put in his hands, if not better. I havent even seen him in a regular season game and say that!