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CHIEF CHUCKING MY SPEAR 10-11-2006, 07:27 PM My problem with gibbs he to loyal to a qb that never won anything for him. 2004 was so painful to watch and take. So were the playoffs games last year and especially most of this year. The redskins will never win a championship with Brunell and most likely won't make the playoffs again with him. He not a big game Qb he has had some moment but he cant take the team on his back when we need him to. Never gave Ramsey a fair shot which is fine but geez how many shot does Brunell get. We trade 3 or 4 picks to get campbell and who knows how good he is, i dont think he great but hey rather take my chance with a younger guy since most likely were not going anywhere.
hooskins 10-11-2006, 08:19 PM A personal relationship and bond is one thing, but saying that Gibbs favors him simply because of religion is garbage.
The man didn't win as many games as he has by playing favorites based on who goes to church with him.
Yeah of course religion is not the sole factor, but because of the way Gibbs is religiously, the fact it was his call to spend boatloads of money on Brunell, and how Gibbs is known to stick with his QB even in bad times all adds to it. I think claiming religion is the sole reason is incorrect, but considering it a piece of the puzzle may not be a huge stretch considering the facts above.
I mean look at it this way, there is no denying that if there was a QB on our roster, 100% equal to Brunell in skill, Gibbs would go with Brunell because of their personal relationship, which also occurs in church. The main question is, by going to the same church, have they both developed a closer bond? I would think so. Now does this bond influence his choice of who to put as starter to some extent? Perhaps, we don't know.
SmootSmack 10-11-2006, 08:31 PM Yeah of course religion is not the sole factor, but because of the way Gibbs is religiously, the fact it was his call to spend boatloads of money on Brunell, and how Gibbs is known to stick with his QB even in bad times all adds to it. I think claiming religion is the sole reason is incorrect, but considering it a piece of the puzzle may not be a huge stretch considering the facts above.
I mean look at it this way, there is no denying that if there was a QB on our roster, 100% equal to Brunell in skill, Gibbs would go with Brunell because of their personal relationship, which also occurs in church. The main question is, by going to the same church, have they both developed a closer bond? I would think so. Now does this bond influence his choice of who to put as starter to some extent? Perhaps, we don't know.
Ramsey and Campbell are also religious people. When he was here Ramsey and Brunell spent a lot of time together. What if, and I don't know if it's the case or not, Gibbs went to church with all his QBs? Would this religion argument still hold water?
illdefined 10-11-2006, 08:35 PM yikes. can we have a discussion about Gibbs not being or involving God at all?
Lady Brave 10-11-2006, 10:06 PM Coach Gibbs has said himself that he prays about major decisions he has to make. I don't think he literally prays about who needs to be in what position, but I do think he is the type of man who prays for wisdom in all areas of his life and career.
SmootSmack 10-12-2006, 12:07 AM I'm just wondering how you know AS knew JG would be involved when Gibbs himself said he was turning the O over to AS and it seems AS has total control until the team hits the 35. I understand and expect Gibbs to make the go/no go call on 4th down but I dont understand why a team would hire people and not let them do their job.
From the Washington Post's Jason La Canfora
Redskins Insider (http://blog.washingtonpost.com/redskinsinsider/)
For all of you loyal sports radio hounds, I was ordered to ask a few questions to Gibbs and Saunders today that I already knew the answer to. But I guess that's what happens in a market with misguided "experts" on the radio.
Must be easy to sit, all cozy and clueless in a studio, like two morning microphone jockeys I can think of. You can spout off about everything, call yourself a "Sports Reporter," and go off halfcocked all day long without ever doing anything remotely constructive to actually report anything. So much for common sense. So much for accountability.
Al Saunders calls all the plays. He's called every play all year long. He said so. Gibbs said so. Getting to the 35-yard line has nothing to do with anything.
Saunders has 10 seconds to get the play in - not exactly time for a caucus - but then again any "sports reporter" who had actually ever stepped foot in this building during the entire three years of this Gibbs era would already know that. Gibbs converses between plays and sets up strategy, and QB Coach Bill Lazor relays it to Brunell's helmet. Gibbs handles fourth down decisions, when to kick, etc. Saunders calls the plays. It really is that simple.
Basically, all of this was covered in depth in January when the coaching transition took place, and has happened exactly according to that plan since then. There's a reason why a dedicated group of beat writers from various media organizations did not raise an eyebrow during Monday's press conference when Gibbs was asked about playcalling and the fourth-down decision to try the field goal. It's because there was absolutely no news in his response. One radio station turned their misguided opinions into a crusade, taking aim at people who actually do real journalism for a living in the process.
Hmmm. Who would you believe?
All I know about Steve Czaban is that Gibbs refused to talk to him a few years back after he missed the boat entirely again on another non-story, when Gibbs made some jokes with NASCAR reporters. A short while later Gibbs was off the air with that station entirely.
So that might explain the juvenile conspiracy theories right there. It also explains why I love the IPOD connector in my car. Listen at your own peril.
irish 10-12-2006, 07:03 AM From the Washington Post's Jason La Canfora
Redskins Insider (http://blog.washingtonpost.com/redskinsinsider/)
For all of you loyal sports radio hounds, I was ordered to ask a few questions to Gibbs and Saunders today that I already knew the answer to. But I guess that's what happens in a market with misguided "experts" on the radio.
Must be easy to sit, all cozy and clueless in a studio, like two morning microphone jockeys I can think of. You can spout off about everything, call yourself a "Sports Reporter," and go off halfcocked all day long without ever doing anything remotely constructive to actually report anything. So much for common sense. So much for accountability.
Al Saunders calls all the plays. He's called every play all year long. He said so. Gibbs said so. Getting to the 35-yard line has nothing to do with anything.
Saunders has 10 seconds to get the play in - not exactly time for a caucus - but then again any "sports reporter" who had actually ever stepped foot in this building during the entire three years of this Gibbs era would already know that. Gibbs converses between plays and sets up strategy, and QB Coach Bill Lazor relays it to Brunell's helmet. Gibbs handles fourth down decisions, when to kick, etc. Saunders calls the plays. It really is that simple.
Basically, all of this was covered in depth in January when the coaching transition took place, and has happened exactly according to that plan since then. There's a reason why a dedicated group of beat writers from various media organizations did not raise an eyebrow during Monday's press conference when Gibbs was asked about playcalling and the fourth-down decision to try the field goal. It's because there was absolutely no news in his response. One radio station turned their misguided opinions into a crusade, taking aim at people who actually do real journalism for a living in the process.
Hmmm. Who would you believe?
All I know about Steve Czaban is that Gibbs refused to talk to him a few years back after he missed the boat entirely again on another non-story, when Gibbs made some jokes with NASCAR reporters. A short while later Gibbs was off the air with that station entirely.
So that might explain the juvenile conspiracy theories right there. It also explains why I love the IPOD connector in my car. Listen at your own peril.
Good quote, thanks for the info. All I know is that Gibbs said in his presser that AS pretty much calls the game but when the team gets to the 35 we talk. I guess that can be read any way one wants to read it.
Czaban is a jackass.
These guys on the radio who do nothing but try to drum up controversy are really ridiculous. Whatever happened to supporting the home team, that doesn't mean you have to be a blind homer but with some of these guys you have to wonder what their true agenda is.
The religion argument holds no water. Next topic.
FRPLG 10-12-2006, 08:48 AM Czaban is a jackass.
These guys on the radio who do nothing but try to drum up controversy are really ridiculous. Whatever happened to supporting the home team, that doesn't mean you have to be a blind homer but with some of these guys you have to wonder what their true agenda is.
It's a national show so I guess they don't consider themselves local enough to support a home team. I actually love the show. Czaban is funny and the show is often really good but his views when it comes to the Skins are really jaded. He is a devote Skins lover and hates the losing and REALLY hates Danny Boy. I think the biggest issue is that he used to do a show with Gibbs and Gibbs got pissed at some of Czaban's questioning and stopped doing the show. He is just really jaded when it comes the the coaching staff and front office. Everyone else on the show are fans of other teams so they get no love there.