10-03-2006, 04:28 PM
I usually dont think too much of power rankings and Im not really concern that the skins are only ranked in the middle of the league (due to their 2-2 record). What really bugs me is that the eagles are ranked so high. They've beaten the texans, the 9ers and the packers and lost the only game they played against a competitive team, the giants. Yet some how they're the fourth best team in the league? Their wins are against teams that are ranked 25 28 and 29 by espn. How can that possibly translate into them "flying high"? Certainly this is not the best one loss team in the league.
10-03-2006, 04:39 PM
The "power rankings" are always as worthless as the BCS. I ignore them.
10-03-2006, 04:55 PM
I usually dont think too much of power rankings and Im not really concern that the skins are only ranked in the middle of the league (due to their 2-2 record). What really bugs me is that the eagles are ranked so high. They've beaten the texans, the 9ers and the packers and lost the only game they played against a competitive team, the giants. Yet some how they're the fourth best team in the league? Their wins are against teams that are ranked 25 28 and 29 by espn. How can that possibly translate into them "flying high"? Certainly this is not the best one loss team in the league. Yeah. Records aren't very important early season, but they are all that matters late season. Many "analysts" forget this phenomenon. The Eagles offense looks sharp right now. Very sharp, yet inconsistent at times. But with the defense playing like they are, they really aren't any threat to a good team. McNabb is at his best protecting a lead, and although is often assicotiated as a comeback QB, actually will make more mistakes when chasing by more than a TD. The Eagles will win games, maybe enough to eek into the playoffs (at the expense of everyones favorite team, Dallas), but come that murderers row of 3 consecutive divisional games on the road, won't look nearly as hot as they do now when they are beating up on the Green Bays and San Franciscos of the world.
Look for them to get ambushed in New Orleans in a few weeks. Drew Brees has a Donovan's ass sized chip on his shoulder right now.
10-03-2006, 04:58 PM
Drew Brees has a Donovan's ass sized chip on his shoulder right now.
lol. that's a big chip ... not that I'm looking or anything
10-03-2006, 04:59 PM
Where's the link? This was just dissucsed in another thread about attaching a link so all of us can look at what you are talking about. Yes we could go to ESPN.com and then search all over and find the page, then click on the page and wait to see what your talking about. Or we could just click
ESPN.com - NFL - Power Rankings week 5 (http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/powerranking)
10-03-2006, 05:28 PM
We aren't gonna hold tiebreakers this year. Have to win the division by record. 11 or 12 wins.
Just a thought that didnt warent its own thread.
10-03-2006, 06:19 PM
In the Jags ranking it says:
Credit the Jacksonville defense for not making excuses despite a rash of injuries. 'We got out butts kicked. Plain and simple,' DE Paul Spicer said.
Is this true, were they injured? Could this have been part of our success?
and if so why wasn't anyone saying that during the game....people love to take credit away from us...
Anyways it makes me sick that they still have the Jags above us, and refuse to give us credit.
Big C
10-03-2006, 06:24 PM
its a fact, espn loves the eagles...and they love the cowboys too. they love them so much they each gave them their own espn reporter (ed werder on cowboys, and sal paolantonio on eagles) which is all their job does, report on these 2 teams for espn. its a joke
10-03-2006, 06:28 PM
its a fact, espn loves the eagles...and they love the cowboys too. they love them so much they each gave them their own espn reporter (ed werder on cowboys, and sal paolantonio on eagles) which is all their job does, report on these 2 teams for espn. its a joke
Just to clarify something here. A couple of years ago David Aldridge (local DC guy) was going to expand his duties beyond NBA and cover the Redskins. The Redskins had some issues with it and made his job pretty much moot.
10-03-2006, 06:33 PM
The "power rankings" are always as worthless as the BCS. I ignore them.
I'm with you. these rankings change as much as i change my underwear. which is pretty frequent