09-29-2006, 05:29 PM
I'd say it'll be 28 - 10 in favor of the Skins.
Bandwagoning begins for real with the media, I get that Redskins tat I've been promising myself.
And some other 'Lock' predictions:
Pres. Ahmadinejad says some weird shit, followers shout 'allah akbar' and 'death to Amerika' a lot. Dems accuse GOP of wrong doing. GOP accuse Dems of being anti-American. Coke/Pepsi releases its new flavor combining wild nettle and pork fat with your favorite soda. 7 out of 10 news shows offer a teaser for a story that turns out to be not as interesting as the actual teaser.
Anyone else got some?
it'll get dark tonight
yea, i just wasted my 1000th post
Bandwagoning begins for real with the media, I get that Redskins tat I've been promising myself.
And some other 'Lock' predictions:
Pres. Ahmadinejad says some weird shit, followers shout 'allah akbar' and 'death to Amerika' a lot. Dems accuse GOP of wrong doing. GOP accuse Dems of being anti-American. Coke/Pepsi releases its new flavor combining wild nettle and pork fat with your favorite soda. 7 out of 10 news shows offer a teaser for a story that turns out to be not as interesting as the actual teaser.
Anyone else got some?
it'll get dark tonight
yea, i just wasted my 1000th post