BMF21 09-27-2006, 05:14 PM One thing we can say about him is he's never had off the field issues, until now. He's never been locked up, picked up for DWI, caught with hookers and coke in a hotel room, etc.
He might be a pain in the ass in the locker room, and even that's debateable to an extent. Alot of his ex-teammates say he wasn't a problem. You also have to consider how some of his antics are blown way out of proportion by the media.
Hate the player, but I don't see any reason to hate the man.
well said Matty, to hate a human being is stupid, and I'm beginning to see more stupid skins fans than any other.........
PSUSkinsFan21 09-27-2006, 05:25 PM But to call a human being "stupid" for not sharing your OPINION on something, now that's an admirable trait....
SmootSmack 09-27-2006, 05:36 PM well said Matty, to hate a human being is stupid, and I'm beginning to see more stupid skins fans than any other.........
Are you saying you see more stupid skins fans than non-stupid skins fans or more stupid skins fans than stupid giants fans, stupid dolphins fans, stupid bengals fans, etc.
70Chip 09-27-2006, 05:44 PM Hard-heartedness or a lack of compassion or whatever is not the same as stupidity. Jerry Jones allowing Owens' publicist up on the platform for the press conference in front of the Cowboys logo--that's incredibly stupid. Who's in charge over there?
It looks like Bill Parcells has done a Pontius Pilate regarding Owens and the dynamics of that relationship (Parcells/Jones) is far more interesting to me than anything involving T.O. Without Owens the Cowboys are a decent team, but without Parcells they are nothing.
jdlea 09-27-2006, 06:55 PM I've always loved to watch TO on the field. I've never felt any hatred toward him off the field. Especially not recently. When he acts up, hey, you knew the risk you were taking when you signed this guy.
But whether I liked Owens or not, hearing about another person going through something like this is difficult. It's tough to believe that he would attempt suicide. However, the more I think about it, the more it would make a little sense to me. All of the pressure he is constantly under is insane. He goes down with a hammy we get an update every single day. Hines and Steve Smith go down, what do we hear? Not much at all. It's kinda odd to me that his life is this wide open and no one really knows who he is. I'm not trying to justify suicide or even claiming that he did attempt suicide, just that if he did, I could see why being a fishtank might force someone to it.
5RINGS 09-27-2006, 07:11 PM Hard-heartedness or a lack of compassion or whatever is not the same as stupidity. Jerry Jones allowing Owens' publicist up on the platform for the press conference in front of the Cowboys logo--that's incredibly stupid. Who's in charge over there?
It looks like Bill Parcells has done a Pontius Pilate regarding Owens and the dynamics of that relationship (Parcells/Jones) is far more interesting to me than anything involving T.O. Without Owens the Cowboys are a decent team, but without Parcells they are nothing.
I don't know why the publicist was allowed up there either. Did she even know? She looked like hell.
SmootSmack 09-27-2006, 07:13 PM I don't know why the publicist was allowed up there either. Did she even know? She looked like hell.
Yeah, she looked like she finished off those pills herself. And I wonder what she was asked him that made her say she "didn't get the answer I was looking for"
5RINGS 09-27-2006, 07:15 PM Yeah, she looked like she finished off those pills herself. And I wonder what she was asked him that made her say she "didn't get the answer I was looking for"
C'mon Tafkas, Terrell can do better than that!!
She looked rather ..... manish.
12thMan 09-27-2006, 07:22 PM I just finished watching his presser, and if you ignore the 'outside' noise, I thought he seemed very plausible. I personally believe that it was simply a story blown out of proportion. Even if he is going through a spate of depression, so what, did he try to kill himself?
Dunno....I hope get's back on the gridiron and kicks ass...except against you know who.
Longtimefan 09-27-2006, 07:29 PM After hearing what TO had to say in defense of himself I feel better about his situation. I'm glad to know he hadn't reached a point where he was depressed enough to consider taking his own life. When something like this happens, stories run rampant and you don't know what to believe until all the facts have been heard. It would be nice to just see him stay out of the headlines for a while.