ESPN Report: Terrell Owens attempts suicide

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NM Redskin
09-27-2006, 03:06 PM
One thing we can say about him is he's never had off the field issues, until now. He's never been locked up, picked up for DWI, caught with hookers and coke in a hotel room, etc.

He might be a pain in the ass in the locker room, and even that's debateable to an extent. Alot of his ex-teammates say he wasn't a problem. You also have to consider how some of his antics are blown way out of proportion by the media.

Hate the player, but I don't see any reason to hate the man.

Cheers to that Matty!

09-27-2006, 03:11 PM
Honestly, I feel sorry for the guy. Yesterday I was hating life but today I'm greatful to be alive. Thanks T.O., you've given me a new lease on life.

09-27-2006, 03:25 PM
I just hope after T.O. denies trying to kill himself at his press conference we can all stop feeling sorry for this turd and get back to loathing him and his childish antics again like in the good old days.

09-27-2006, 03:25 PM
One thing we can say about him is he's never had off the field issues, until now. He's never been locked up, picked up for DWI, caught with hookers and coke in a hotel room, etc.

He might be a pain in the ass in the locker room, and even that's debateable to an extent. Alot of his ex-teammates say he wasn't a problem. You also have to consider how some of his antics are blown way out of proportion by the media.

Hate the player, but I don't see any reason to hate the man.

Doesn’t the man make the player?

Which came first the chicken or the egg?

09-27-2006, 03:26 PM
While TO throughout his career may have posted some ideals and attitudes that inflame some of us, do we have to think of him as less an individual?
There may be quite a few here who do not quite understand the power of depression. In November 1997 when I was diagnosed with stage four Squamous Cell Carcinoma (head and neck) primary tumor located at the base of my tongue, requiring external beam radiation therapy, Chemotherapy, as well as surgery, I know a little about depression. I was on depression medication for nine months, and still take one hundred sixty milg's of Oxycontin daily just to survive the pain. Fortunately, I never had the desire to take my own life, depression can be a troubling, and a menaceing ordeal, and for those who think slight of it, I trust you never have to experience it.
You will never know, or understand it's complexities until you've been there, and done it.
Didn't mean to bore you with my life's transgressions, but try to understand what we're talking about here.

09-27-2006, 03:39 PM
Per the news conference (i.e., directly from TO's mouth), he claims he didn't try to commit suicide. He said the other 30 pills are in a drawer somewhere, and that his ladyfriend thought he took them since they weren't in the bottle.

So, can we all agree he sucks now?

Ade Jimoh Fan Club
09-27-2006, 03:39 PM
You will never know, or understand it's complexities until you've been there, and done it.
Didn't mean to bore you with my life's transgressions, but try to understand what we're talking about here.

Now, you're making this hard. I can't ever understand, but I should try to understand? My head hurts.

Seriously, I'll reiterate that no one is belittling the seriousness of depression, or questioning the hurdles you have gone through. Once I hear from a member of the medical profession that TO is not well, I will jump to your camp... But since you choose to assume that he's clinically depressed, I reserve the right to assume that he's just a crazy F*cktard.

09-27-2006, 03:40 PM
1. Glad you caveated with the "if reports are true" because it's highly likely we're all getting worked into a tizzy over the 'ol rumor mill.

2. No one on this site is actually making fun of depression or people with depression, like your family members. It's simply a case of not giving him a "free pass" to be an ass. If Osama Bin Laden comes out and says he is depressed, do we forgive him immediately for 9/11 and give him a hug? (and you thought that the US Soldier - TO analogy was a stretch!?)

3. "Embarrased to be a member of this community"? C'mon drama queen - take a deep breath and float back down to reality, homes.

Free pass to be an ass is one thing, to say very ignorant things about someone who may have tried to commit suicide is another. An to compare BinLaden to TO in the same sentence is a joke. I can't believe that is even put in the same breath. I dont think anyones reaction to people saying because he is an ass or a jerk (as seen in interviews) is being drama queens. Some people have been personally effected by suicide or attempted suicide, depression. To try and justify the ridiculous comments by some people out here is crazy. We are all human beings. TO is person, dont even try to compare him with a terrorist for crying out load. that is just plain stupid.

09-27-2006, 03:40 PM
If Osama Bin Laden comes out and says he is depressed, do we forgive him immediately for 9/11 and give him a hug? (and you thought that the US Soldier - TO analogy was a stretch!?)

that all depends on who you ask... if you could ask Ghandi or Martin Luther King Jr. they would say that you have to forgive all no matter what crime or act they committed... but I don't see how you could compare osama bin laden and TO in any way

09-27-2006, 03:42 PM
Crap - we're no longer talking about TO, are we?

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