09-25-2006, 09:47 AM
Due to an unfortunate furniture store incident, I did not see the first 6 minutes of the game live (don't worry - Tivo picked it up for me). The second I got home, I put on my brand new Dexter Manley throwback jersey and turned on the game. Brunell promptly handed the ball off to Betts, who went for a 9 yard touchdown. I (of course) did not take the jersey off till the final whistle.
I'm not asking for MVP votes or gameballs. I just want a little recognition that, by finally getting off my ass this week and picking up a new Skins jersey for gameday, I single handedly provided the karmic power the Skins needed to win.
I went back to my authentic burgundy Portis jersey that I wore during the playoff run last year, and I also started growing a goatee.
Facial hair always sparks a winning streak.
Actually, I spoke to Dex a few minutes ago. He would like your email address to have you review and sign a few legal docs, as his Karma is not up for grabs without remuneration of some sort
09-25-2006, 10:02 AM
Due to an unfortunate furniture store incident, I did not see the first 6 minutes of the game live (don't worry - Tivo picked it up for me). The second I got home, I put on my brand new Dexter Manley throwback jersey and turned on the game. Brunell promptly handed the ball off to Betts, who went for a 9 yard touchdown. I (of course) did not take the jersey off till the final whistle.
I'm not asking for MVP votes or gameballs. I just want a little recognition that, by finally getting off my ass this week and picking up a new Skins jersey for gameday, I single handedly provided the karmic power the Skins needed to win.
That's funny. I got stuck at Wal-Mart buying much needed provisions: beer, Tostitoes and a DiGiorno pizza. Check-out took forever and I got home just as Betts crossed the goal-line.
I was so happy, I ate the pizza raw and drank the beer "Joe Piscopo-style."
09-25-2006, 10:07 AM
Actually, I spoke to Dex a few minutes ago. He would like your email address to have you review and sign a few legal docs, as his Karma is not up for grabs without remuneration of some sort
Don't worry, he got paid - this jersey was not free.
09-25-2006, 10:08 AM
I went to the Mercury bar in NYC to watch the game, for the first time. I know that helped a lot with momentum for the skins--the mini brugers really fired everyone up, or so it seemed to me. I actually saw Joe Gibbs give me a nod when the cameras found him on the sidelines. He was looking right at me.
I saw him looking at you too. I was like oh snap JG is looking right at JW!
09-25-2006, 10:13 AM
Yeah, and Buges made some kind of signal to me that I interpreted as "Way to go, Sleep. Excellent call on the mini-burgers." It really couldn't have meant anything else...
09-25-2006, 10:14 AM
I'm never wearing my new skins shirt again. I wore my old one last night and it worked.
09-25-2006, 12:41 PM
Apparently I have to listen to bits and pieces of the other team's broadcast on Sirius for the entire first half because that's what worked this week. I also have to sleep in a tent for 3 nights prior to the game. Damn.