09-18-2006, 06:34 PM
I can't believe everyone is looking over the obvious solution. Put in Antwaan Randel-El at QB! I'm joking, but only sort of. I think ARE would be more composed and able to make quality throws than Brunell at this point.
09-18-2006, 06:37 PM
I can't believe everyone is looking over the obvious solution. Put in Antwaan Randel-El at QB! I'm joking, but only sort of. I think ARE would be more composed and able to make quality throws than Brunell at this point.
haha, I'll say this: ARE is not afraid of anyone! And most of all, he really, really wants to make a big play. Everytime he gets the ball he starts spinning around like a ballerina. Very fun guy to watch.
09-18-2006, 06:47 PM
did he REALLY get his as for "in new york"...why wasnt he used in the final plays of the game today?
I agree he was never given a shot..... Boy I'd love to have him bring up Ramsey as much as you want some of us don't mind hearing the truth!!!!
09-18-2006, 06:51 PM
Brunell has been mediocre, at best, since he came here. Now, he's a LOT less than mediocre. It's way past time to bench him. It used to be that the best that could be said of him is "he doesn't lose games for us" (which, if that's ALL that can be said, is a sad indictment of any starting quarterback). But now, even that claim is unveiled for the falsehood that it is.
But, the bigger question is - Does Gibbs have the guts to do what most everyone knows needs to be done? Somehow I doubt it. Of course, Gibbs didn't hesitate to yank Ramsey for play that was nowhere near as bad as what Brunell is giving us.
My biggest fear is that Gibbs will stick with ole washed-up Brunell for at least another 3 games or so. By then, we'll either be 0-5 (because even the Texans game is no lock the way we are now playing) or 1-4. Either way, at that point, the bright and shining season we had all envisioned will be gone.
09-18-2006, 06:53 PM
The QB is a very small part of this problem. Folks - our O-line is not executing. Our D-line is not putting pressure on the opposing QB. And there is an unacceptable lack of discipline as evidenced by the number of penalties being thrown our way.
The QB is a lightening rod for criticism; however, right now he is not the underlying problem. In fact - without his field savy in getting rid of the ball without a lot of turnovers, the score would have been worse.
Excuses don't count ... play better!
Currently we are performing poorly.
NO O-Line can protect for a QB taking a 7 step drop!!! And those are 7 Sloooooowww step to brother....
09-18-2006, 06:56 PM
But, the bigger question is - Does Gibbs have the guts to do what most everyone knows needs to be done? Somehow I doubt it. Of course, Gibbs didn't hesitate to yank Ramsey for play that was nowhere near as bad as what Brunell is giving us.
My biggest fear is that Gibbs will stick with ole washed-up Brunell for at least another 3 games or so. By then, we'll either be 0-5 (because even the Texans game is no lock the way we are now playing) or 1-4. Either way, at that point, the bright and shining season we had all envisioned will be gone.
People Don't wanna hear That but I COULD NOT agree more..... Does he have the guts ... well he sure had the guts with Ramsey but I have NO Idea what the problem is with pulling Brunell
09-18-2006, 06:58 PM
I can't believe everyone is looking over the obvious solution. Put in Antwaan Randel-El at QB! I'm joking, but only sort of. I think ARE would be more composed and able to make quality throws than Brunell at this point.
It's a joke but hey ..Could Randel-EL possibly play worse or more whimpy than Brunell.
Chief X_Phackter
09-18-2006, 07:12 PM
I have to say that I am just as disappointed as everyone else with the play of our offense. Actually both offense and defense, although there aren't many defenses around that can constantly go out there 3 & out after 3 & out and expect to shut an offense down every time. The only thing we did good this week was special teams.
I just want to throw this out there, because it's something I've been thinking about. As much as I dislike "what if" scenario's. What if we didn't go on that tear at the end of last season and were out of the playoff picture with three or so games left. Gibbs would have probably put JC in there right? I almost wish that is what happened, although it was fun to get back to the playoffs again. I just can't help but think that if JC got about three regular season games in last year (and looked decent like he is expected to eventually) if he wouldn't be the guy in there right now. He could have began the season in a battle for the starting job instead of a battle for the number two, and may have won. Especially considering it would only be his second NFL offense to learn as opposed to Mark Brunell's 5th or whatever.
Just a hypothetical. I believe that we have to stick with Brunell now that we started with him, at least for a few more games to make sure it's not just him.
09-18-2006, 07:51 PM
The reason you start someone else it cant get any worse. the offense has no threat of a down the field passing game because brunell has no arm strenght. That one reason we cant run is that the defense are stacking the line of scrimmage. they know that brunell will not stand and make the big throw if there pressure he will throw the ball out of bounds.Damn Joe gibbs ran ramsey out of town and he never played this bad like brunell has for most of his three long years here. he was great last season for about 7 games then he started to revert back to his 2004 form and that what if you honest is what we have seen this year.He make stupid rookie mistakes now with that lob pass that was intercepted when we were in field goal range. Like last year in tampa in the playoffs we had the lead late in the fourth quarter and he rolls to his left them throws the ball across his body and its intercepted instead of falling down and leting time roll off the clock.Listen i wish he played like a average qb but he cant do it anymore its time to stop covering his ass and call it like it is.He killing any chance we have. Damn i was afraid that he was going to break his record of 41 yards in tampa.he ended with about 170 but mostly that was crap yards after the game was over. Get rid of him please give a brother a chance.