gibbsisgod 09-18-2006, 01:44 PM If we go with JC now you can kiss the SB goodbye for this year, and maybe next. Our team needs to regroup and start clicking. I don't see this as just a QB problem at all. There is a lot more going on here, and changing the QB isn't going to fix it. OH come on now, get effen real. Do you really believe that MB is going to win a SB? Did you watch the same game as I did last night cause Brunell cant stretch a defense and the Cowboys played 8 in the box all night because Brunell CANT beat a team deep. Portis will have a horrible season if brunell stays in at QB. teams will still play 8 in the box and dare MB to beat us. We will be 2-5 before we know it if we stay with MB. And then what, try to get Campbell to save our season? Why not give the guy a shot? This is A perfect time to see what JC has got. We should beat this team with one arm tied behind our back. I'll bet JC can throw the ball more than 30 yards.
redsk1 09-18-2006, 01:49 PM Brunell rolled into a sack at least a couple of times. Instead of stepping up in the pocket.
I don't know if we should bench Brunell. I can say that Campbell should be ready. I don't know if he is, but he is a first round pick and we gave up a LOT to get him.
ArtMonkDrillz 09-18-2006, 01:49 PM I think the fact that we play Houston and then Tennessee at home makes it an ideal time to get Campbell in there. Two defenses that he should be able to beat, with the first being on the road so he won't have the pressure of disappointing home fans. The timing couldn't be any better for Campbell and Brunell looks cooked.
After last night's performance I'm willing to rethink my stance on trying to trade for Favre.
Beemnseven 09-18-2006, 01:50 PM If we go with JC now you can kiss the SB goodbye for this year, and maybe next. Our team needs to regroup and start clicking. I don't see this as just a QB problem at all. There is a lot more going on here, and changing the QB isn't going to fix it.
The sad truth is, the Super Bowl was never in reach for this team.
A quarterback who can make defenses pay for blitzing every single down changes the complexion of the game immensely. Yeah, Campbell will throw more picks than Brunell. But right now, defenses know exactly what we're going to do, when we're going to do it. They know we can't pass if you blitz so much as ONE player at Brunell -- and they'll not suffer on iota in secondary coverage. Sooo, every D-coordinator who watches tape of the Skins offense instantly knows that they can put 7 or 8 in the box to send Brunell into sheer panic, stuff whatever semblance of a running game there is, and none of their receivers will catch a pass.
There are many cracks in this foundation it's not even funny.
Sometimes it's just that simple. Find a quarterback who can make defenses pay.
skinsguy 09-18-2006, 01:50 PM I'm quite the Brunell supporter and still believe that our problems are far beyond the QB position, but I do also understand that last night really made the naysayers appear to be right about Mark Brunell. Let's face it, a loss against any other team would not be as bad as it is against Dallas. Do I think Brunell is playing Super Bowl caliber football? Not in the least! Neither is the offensive line, defensive line, or the secondary. I believe Portis means alot more to our team than what was previously thought. I believe Springs is also extremely important, but I also am starting to see that some of the guys we lost on our D this year were better than what maybe we had given them credit for.
Do I believe starting another QB over Brunell is going to be the key? Not unless we get better pass protection. Then..if our pass protection improves, then why take Brunell out unless he completely stinks it up with having loads of time to pass.
I don't believe changing the QB is going to give this team that much of a spark and if we do, it's going to be Collins that comes in anyway....I'm not really looking forward to that!!
Southpaw 09-18-2006, 01:51 PM NO QB can survive with that kind of penalty calling. We lost 100 yards alone in penalties. F$#ing holding calls and interference calls, same shit that got us in the pre-season... COME ON!!! This isn't highshcool! The TEAM lost this game - period.
No one is arguing that the entire team(at least the entire offense) played like ass last night, but to think that Brunell will somehow magically start playing better isn't very likely. He's not a young quarterback taking his lumps and learning the game. He's an old quarterback, whose skills are deteriorating because of several past injuries and age.
I'd much rather watch Campbell take his lumps and learn the system, with the possibility of developing into a great quarterback, than watch Brunell run scared for probably the last season of his career.
hesscl34 09-18-2006, 01:54 PM No one is arguing that the entire team(at least the entire offense) played like ass last night, but to think that Brunell will somehow magically start playing better isn't very likely. He's not a young quarterback taking his lumps and learning the game. He's an old quarterback, whose skills are deteriorating because of several past injuries and age.
I'd much rather watch Campbell take his lumps and learn the system, with the possibility of developing into a great quarterback, than watch Brunell run scared for probably the last season of his career.
I just can't believe the hate for MB. It is silly. I really think he was doing exactly what was expected of him - by the coaches.
61cad 09-18-2006, 01:54 PM All this coaching power and NO GAME PLAN!
If this season is a PUNT, then put Campbell in!
TrustinGibbs 09-18-2006, 01:55 PM I'm having a hard time saying the offensive struggles are ALL Brunnell's fault. The Offensive line looks horrible, way too many penalties, no Portis, new play book.
I dont think anybody thought we would come into this season hitting full stride offensively with the entire offensive roster learning a new complicated play book....and they haven't. I also thought they'd look better than this. I figured we'd atleast be able to run the football, get Moss involved and play great defense...we've done none of that.
That said...if we're going to struggle offensively why not struggle with your future QB not your past one? How much worse can it really be?
Dogtag 09-18-2006, 01:56 PM I don't care what his fan's say
Put Campbell in. What's to lose?
What's to lose?
- Football games
- A promising young QB (a la the Patrick Ramsey treatment)
- Team confidence (change players every time the team plays poorly)
- Our faith in our team
- Our sense of judgement between Reality football and Fantasy football (dealing with people instead of statistics)