NYCSkin 09-18-2006, 10:08 AM No team in the league is afraid of Brunell. They know he is finished. He basically does one of three things now: dump to the back, throw the short out, or throws the ball away. With that knowledge, defenses will have an easy time against our offense.
The only way we get them to back off and respect our downfield passing game is putting Campbell in. You can say it is too early for him but right now I can't stomach watching Brunell and his 3 YPA and 35 QB rating. At the very least Campbell needs some reps this week. If the Skins are inept in the first half next week, Gibbs as the CEO of this team needs to pull Brunell and have Campbell start the second half...
cowboykiller89 09-18-2006, 10:13 AM Yeah, I have to admit, Brunell is on his way out. Just doesn't have it anymore. Regardless of whether he had Portis or not, there is no excuse this time. The Cowboys don't have a good running game either and Bledsoe did just fine. Brunell had plenty of opportunities last night and just couldn't capitalize on them because both his accuracy and arm strength are diminished. And Joe Gibbs is so damned stubborn about it, he's not going to make any immediate changes and so I'm afraid that we are going to continue with this losing streak. I'll be at the next game vs the Texans, we'll see what happens then.
Sheriff Gonna Getcha 09-18-2006, 10:13 AM I hate to say it, but Brunell is done and needs to go. The guy couldn't make a play if his life depended on it. Maybe I can try out as QB for the Redskins, "Hey Joe, look I too can throw a ball 10 yards to the sideline and out of bounds."
Sheriff Gonna Getcha 09-18-2006, 10:15 AM Umm for people blaming the 0-line,
Even when Brunell was protected, he was throwing some AWFUL balls. Moreover, he made poor decisions (e.g. throwing to Cooley and getting picked). He was downright awful.
Daseal 09-18-2006, 10:17 AM If we start Campbell for Houston it isn't exactly feeding him to the wolves. If we start him vs NY, Indy, Eagles, etc it is. All of those teams have really good D lines. Lets test vs Houston.
Also, I can't count how many times Brunell tried to run by the rushing defensive player and ran... right into him.
paulskinsfan 09-18-2006, 10:17 AM Ok, I'll be the bad guy. Ive never said this before, and Im not proud of it, but Im rooting for a minor injury to Mark Brunnell, say a high ankle sprain. There are really only 2 conclusions to come to after watching last nights performance. First, Mark Brunnell will never ever take this team to a Super Bowl. Can we agree on that? Now, once you make that conclusion, the next step is easy. Gibbs will not bench Brunnell. He just won't do it. That's why pulling Ramsey like he did last year was so out of character, he sticks with his starter, and he is blinded by his faith in Brunnell. Sooooo, we can't win a Super Bowl with him, and he won't bench him.......Conclusion 2, gotta root for the minor injury. Im not saying a Theisman fracture or a blown out knee, but maybe a sprain would be nice. Id rather go 4-12 with Jason Campbell this year, than 8-8 with Brunnell. I know some of you will call for my body to be sacrificed on the Redskin Altar, but if you are painfully honest with yourself, you'll agree its the only way.
Sheriff Gonna Getcha 09-18-2006, 10:20 AM I don't care how bad the offensive line is. As a QB with that many weapons, you should be able to throw a 5-yard hitch. Brunell couldn't throw squat. Brunell underthrew, overthrew, made poor decisions. Sure the O-line had a bad night (particularly Jansen, who looked like a rookie), but Brunell IS a major source of our woes.
VTSkins897 09-18-2006, 10:22 AM yeah brunell manages the games alright...
he manages to lose the game. seriously, all this jazz i've heard on different forums... the man simply cannot make the throws...
this goes back to last year in the playoffs when the passing game was piss poor, but at least our D was playing at a high level. it's my opinion based on what i've seen that when the blitz comes, brunell does not have the confidence to make the throws anymore even though it looks like the entire offense blows.
how come eli manning can just lob it up in 1v1 coverage off his back foot for a win? yeah i know it's 1 on 1 but i mean how could we not have that when the D is bringing house. how come eli can make a crucial throw as he's getting sacked puttin no leg into it? brunell is old news people.
luckily it's still early, though we won't be able to say that soon. to me, houston is a must-win. who would have thought?
friends, your washington redskins are the worst team in the nfc east.
Sheriff Gonna Getcha 09-18-2006, 10:24 AM I'm going to side with the Campbell camp and say it is time to bring him in. He's as familiar with Saunders' system as Brunell, although he hasn't gotten the same amount of work, and he's been in the league for a year and change.
As has been said, Campbell will throw more picks than Brunell, but he'll at least make games interesting.
I respect everybody's opinion but I think you are dead wrong Hog1. The season is lost anyways if we leave MB in at QB. I think we need to change simply because nobody respects MB anymore. He cant make any of the throws that we need him to make.Do you really believe he can lead us to a winning season? Its time to sink or swim with JC instead of just sink with MB. He consistently throws for less than 200 yards, and cant get the ball in the hands of our playmakers. Defenses can just sit in deep zones and make brunell take the checkdowns time after time because he has no arm strength. JC might not be the answer but to leave MB as the starting qb at this point is ridicoulous. We know MB cant get the job done so we leave him in there because we are not sure of JC? We need to find out NOW if JC is the guy or not. what do you suggest? Leave MB in until the season is completly lost or give the young guy a shot and maybe salvage the season? Brunell probably wont be here next year anyways so I don't understand why anyone would want to keep delaying the inevitable.
Well, Many people said the same thing about Brunell last season. You don't have to throw 80 yards to win the SB in this league. Regarding winning seasons, he gives us our ONLY shot this year. If we change QB's now, we are done. Like it or not, with Brunell, we have our best chance. He must have some protection. He (like most QB's) have little chance when running all over the field to evade tacklers. He didn't cause a dozen penalties. He didn't fail to control, the Cowboys O in critical situations. To state that nobody respects Brunell is ridiculous, and the season is lost????? Come on, it's two games. Terrible start, but hardly a season. If you blame him for this.......situation, then it is only fair to praise him for his direction of the team to a 10-6 last year. Don't be confused that I advocate Brunell as a..........closet Montana. he is what we got until JC comes of age. As many have already stated, we don't need to make him a David Carr behind our NO-line. I, like the rest in Skins land am a pissed off SOB, but to make a foolish, emotional snap decision makes a potential losing season into a guarantee. We don't want to kill JC bringing him in now. Todd ain't it. WE don't want to do the Spurrier rotating QB either