08-27-2006, 03:04 AM
Reminds me of Darryl Strawberry who is fighting his own demons. Sometimes Darryl wins; sometimes the demon.
I feel sorry for Koren and wish him well; but his own weakness is cutting his career short.
08-27-2006, 07:20 AM
isnt there places to go to get help for these kinds of problems? its all in what you want out of life i dont feel sorry for him at all. could get the best help money can buy
08-27-2006, 10:13 AM
isnt there places to go to get help for these kinds of problems? its all in what you want out of life i dont feel sorry for him at all. could get the best help money can buy
Yes, there are places to go and he's been. Addictions are serious business. If you get hooked it takes more than character to beat it. So, yes, I feel sorry for him. He doesn't need to be on a team, but he's facing a lifelong personal struggle. I wish him well.
08-27-2006, 11:13 AM
everyday people with these demons still get up and go to work everyday. its a lifelong battle that can be won
08-27-2006, 11:29 AM
There is so much ignorance about addiction on this board it isn't funny.
There isn't some hospital you go spend 28 days in and you are 100% cured. There isn't a pill. It isn't about desire or determination or getting the best help money can buy.
I actually expected the Vikings to make this move before they did (because he will probably be sitting out the entire year anyway).
08-27-2006, 05:20 PM
riggorules, can you explain to me exactly how this addiction thing works then? your life is ruined, you can never hold down a job again, and you are never a productive member of society again? millions of addicts are in everyday society functioning and contributing normally. its a lifelong battle that can be won if you want to win it. that means going to meetings, talking to the right people and keeping yourself out of bad situations. knowing your issues is at least half the battle.
08-27-2006, 07:39 PM
riggorules, can you explain to me exactly how this addiction thing works then? your life is ruined, you can never hold down a job again, and you are never a productive member of society again? millions of addicts are in everyday society functioning and contributing normally. its a lifelong battle that can be won if you want to win it. that means going to meetings, talking to the right people and keeping yourself out of bad situations. knowing your issues is at least half the battle.
How does it work? Kind of the way cancer does. Your life is ruined, you can't hold a job and are not a productive member of society any more (like you said). And millions get through it -- but millions more don't. Most don't.
Just like cancer, the determination to fight it, is only a very, very small part of the battle. This idea that all it takes is that you need to "want to win it" is a bunch of crap. Addiction is not about weakness of character. Yeah, it takes character and will power to overcome, but to look at a Koren Robinson and say "he isn't trying hard enough" is BS. That is just like looking at a cancer victim on their death bed and saying they didn't try hard enough.
One thing it does take is information, education and a lack of ignorance (not just for the addict, but those around the addict). It is the ignorance expressed on this board that I'm reacting to.
08-27-2006, 09:32 PM
so you are saying that if the people that are affected want to win the battle, they more than likely lose anyway? and if my opinon on this subject is different then yours, its not a disagreement but staright ignorance on my part? if your not a doctor in this field, then why is your view the right view?
08-28-2006, 12:30 AM
i'm telling you fighting off returning addiction is so hard one can't believe it unless he's experienced it firsthand.i had to quit drinking 15 years ago because i knew if i kept on doing it,i would never stop until i went over the edge,it was really controlling my life.i hope this young man gets help,and gets his life together again,even if he never plays football again.he needs to talk to ex vikings jim marshall and carl eller,both of them were pro football all stars and recovering alcoholics.maybe they can help him!
08-28-2006, 01:02 AM
Another point is also living the life of a NFL player/celebrity very flashy and acohol usually ends up being a part of that life.