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Southpaw 08-14-2006, 11:30 AM Coaches don't have to do it. If they choose to take someone out that is fine but the coaches weren't wreckless here. They didn't give portis 8 runs or a first quarter. They didn't make a mistake. What happened, happened. Coaches can't be to be put at fault for this. It was a series and to put this on a coach is dumb. I don't even know if that is what he was doing but if it was it was dumb. My opinion, my homer, band wagon, supposed fan opinion.
I agree that it's not the fault of the coaching staff. I was simply pointing out that Portis wasn't really out of line for speaking his mind, considering what had happened, and the fact that with starting tailbacks, it goes both ways. Some are pulled after a few plays, some play an entire quarter. I don't think he should be blasted for having a preference one way or the other.
memphisskin 08-14-2006, 11:38 AM I guess my beef is with the owners, but Portis should really shut up and understand that he is not above everyone else. My point is that if he is not going to play then why should I be forced into payinng full fare.
I agree CRT3, you shouldn't have to pay full price to see people trying out for the Skins. But I don't think Portis was putting himself above everyone else, I think he was speaking on behalf of all veterans and not just himself. Four preseason games are a bit much, especially considering all the offseason work these guys do nowadays.
illdefined 08-14-2006, 11:38 AM There's no RB controversy.
Portis wasn't even hurt *running*, he was hurt in a support role where he's always clearly excelled. its also the most dangerous role for him, because he's asked to hit guys bigger than him. and boy does he.
there was no need for him to be there. he's right. (no need for Rudi Johnson to be either, aside from record home crowd attendance?). Portis deserves his opinion because of what he does on the field (and off frankly).
as a side note, Brandon Lloyd, spectacular catch aside - everyone knows you do that already- nice sideline pattern straight to the bench right after the interception. way to "stay healthy". is that what we should've expected out of Portis?
irish 08-14-2006, 11:48 AM CP and the other starters needed to be in that game for at least 1 series so they can slowly work their way into live game speed and shake off the rust so I have no problem with him being in there. What I do have a problem with is CP losing his situational awareness and trying to lay-out a guy in a game that does not count. If the Bengals get a TD or not it did not matter but CP had to be the tough guy, I hope this injury does not bother him all season.
Paintrain 08-14-2006, 11:57 AM CP and the other starters needed to be in that game for at least 1 series so they can slowly work their way into live game speed and shake off the rust so I have no problem with him being in there. What I do have a problem with is CP losing his situational awareness and trying to lay-out a guy in a game that does not count. If the Bengals get a TD or not it did not matter but CP had to be the tough guy, I hope this injury does not bother him all season.
Are you actually ripping him for playing hard? In the heat of battle a competitor is supposed to think, hmm, this is a pre-season game maybe I'll just let a guy score on my team.. Are you kidding?
SmootSmack 08-14-2006, 11:59 AM As has been said here already, he was just frustrated. That's all. It's not unlike when half the people on this site start saying cut this guy, trade that guy, should have kept Ramsey, Gibbs is done, we need a GM, blah blah blah after any loss or even any bad play. You can't put too much stock in it really.
memphisskin 08-14-2006, 12:08 PM CP and the other starters needed to be in that game for at least 1 series so they can slowly work their way into live game speed and shake off the rust so I have no problem with him being in there. What I do have a problem with is CP losing his situational awareness and trying to lay-out a guy in a game that does not count. If the Bengals get a TD or not it did not matter but CP had to be the tough guy, I hope this injury does not bother him all season.
Huh? So go full speed, only don't play hard? That's not football. The lights are on, if u hit the field the coaches want your full effort and the fans deserve it. That said, no reason for Portis to even dress in the first preseason game. The plays they run are not going to be the ones they run in the regular season.
redskinsfanatic 08-14-2006, 12:17 PM portis needed to be out there just as much as moss,lloyd,brunnell and every other starter did!they have to get used to taking a pounding the next 5 months,and the only way you can do that is by playing!i have seen the skins in this situation before with joe gibbs running the show,and just like all those other times somebody is gonna have to step it up,and do his best to be as productive as portis if that is possible!i would not be surprised to see the skins pick up a veteran rb to keep until portis can play either.gibbs knows what he is doing,i think that being a hall of fame coach and 3 time superbowl winner earns you that does'nt it????
Monkeydad 08-14-2006, 12:33 PM All controversy about comments aside, that was a GREAT hit by Portis. I was cheering when he did it and then everything went south from there.
I just wish he hadn't tried to be Sean Taylor.
NAVYSKINSFAN 08-14-2006, 12:41 PM CP has never said or done anything that rubbed me the wrong way EXCEPT this. Even if he was frustrated he had no business throwing Mr Gibbs under the bus like that. Of course he should play the preseason game. Not the whole game or even the first quarter, but a few series is not too much to ask.