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GoSkins! 08-14-2006, 08:02 AM im with pete. what the hell was brunell doing? no receiver in the area and his arm not strong enough to get the ball to the sidelines? he has been around long enough to know better. by him not executing like a veteran quarterback, he got our franchise running back injured
That play is a good example of why we have to play our starters a little in the preseason. Brunnell was rusty, not just physically, but mentally. He has been in practices now for months with defensive guys that are not going to hit him... or his receivers (hard) for that matter. The guys on offense need to get some physical contact to be ready for openning day.
The play was terrible, but I would rather that it happened against the Bengals now than against the Vikings in week 1.
Pocket$ $traight 08-14-2006, 08:07 AM I think that people are looking too deep into this. Portis did exactly what he was supposed to do and unfortunately got hurt (Madden did a very good job of summing it up). This type of thing happens in the NFL. His comments were more frustration than anything. I didn't view it as him blaming coaches but just confirming a widely held view that there are too many pre-season games and that starting runningbacks probably shouldn't be in them. Look on the brightside, he could have blown out his knee.
It is almost a certainty that a huge name will go down for the year in the pre-season and I guarantee they will say something similar to what Portis said.
Schneed10 08-14-2006, 08:23 AM This wouldn't be the first time he has insulted the coaching staff in press conferences. Not to bring up old stuff but did say how we were to predictable after the browns game years ago. He just seems like someone who will speak his mind. WHat he said today was stupid. It really isn't a horribley big deal but it sheds some light onto how he thinks. Staters play first series. THat is how it is in the preseason. Maybe he should have been more clear and said, starters around the league have no business playing in these games. I am glad he touched on how 4 games is too many and i agree but he shouldn't have said that he had no business playing in this game and how he was saying to himself, please take me out, after the 8 yard run. Please take me out? WTF, that is directed at our coaching staff. WHat a dumb comment. He doesn't get a free pass because he is clinton portis. Our defenders wouldn't say something like that. I like the way mark handles himself in press conferences, he always is answering the right way and doesn't get carried away with emotions. If i was gibbs or saunders i would be offended and if i was offended i would take it out on portis.
what i hate most of all is gibbs was asked about clinton's comments and he said if it was on anyone it was on himself. That is bull shit. Tehre is no reason gibbs should hvae to appologize. He is a classy guy. Its not like portis can say sorry for what he said. That is embarrassing.
BSB, when it comes down to the principle of the matter, I'm right with you. Portis may be a star but stars still need to get in a game and get knocked around a bit to get ready for the season. He's got no business suggesting that he shouldn't have been in there.
That said, I would have a much bigger problem with it if Clinton Portis wasn't the ultimate team player. He practices hard, attends all the offseason stuff, works on his blocking, his receiving, his running, and he even contributes a whole lot to the locker room in keeping it light and fun. His comments stem from frustration.
I'm also not too worried about his physical health. He has 28 days to recover, that's more than enough for a shoulder issue like this. He'll be ready to play week one, and by then he will have forgotten about all of this.
BigSKINBauer 08-14-2006, 08:29 AM Portis is a team player, no doubt about that. That is exactly why he is injured. He leveled that guy. Portis gave it his all.
I am still disappointed in what he said. It is his responsibility, as much as the coaches', to keep himself safe out there. I just don't know what he is thinking. Does he really think he shouldn't have been in the game and the coaches messed up? That is beyond rediculous. All of his interviews have him looking really bitter. He is fake laughing, in an upset way. Its an injury, they happen, no need to put this on anyone.
I can't even come close to putting this on brunell by the way. Portis could have got hurt just as easily on a run or a block.
Hogroll 08-14-2006, 08:34 AM I think that people are looking too deep into this. Portis did exactly what he was supposed to do and unfortunately got hurt (Madden did a very good job of summing it up). This type of thing happens in the NFL. His comments were more frustration than anything. I didn't view it as him blaming coaches but just confirming a widely held view that there are too many pre-season games and that starting runningbacks probably shouldn't be in them. Look on the brightside, he could have blown out his knee.
It is almost a certainty that a huge name will go down for the year in the pre-season and I guarantee they will say something similar to what Portis said.
I guess I look at it like a new car... you are eventually going get a nick, scratch, bump in the paint. You can do everything possible to try and prevent it from happening, but it is enevitable... you are going to wind up with one. It really sucks once it happens, but after that first one, the pain of the next one doesn't hurt so bad.
BigSKINBauer 08-14-2006, 08:59 AM listening to the thing again it didn't sound as bad as it did before. He may have been making a joke with the take me out of the game after the 8 yard run. I am sure he actually thought that but i don't think he was saying to the media that gibbs made a mistake and didn't take him out. I don't think he is upset with the staff. Maybe i took his words seriously and looked into them too much. The only thing that made feel wierd was when he was asked if he should have been taken out and he said thats a trick question. He could have just said no but he doesn't like the idea of playing at all and it is something that could be changed around the league. Its clear that he doesn't like 4 games in the pre season and i agree 100%
Portis seems to be more worried about the defenders going after him later this season.
Hog's Breath 08-14-2006, 09:02 AM I love how he complains about being in too long right after he chased down that dude to save a touchdown in a meaningless preseason game. Come on Clinton, no one would have cared if you just started walking off the field as soon as the ball was picked.
dmek25 08-14-2006, 09:21 AM i totally disagree with you, hog. people would have been all over mr portis for not having heart, lack of hustle, or whatever if he walks off without trying to make that tackle. his hustle and determination on that play is the reason the fans of washington have grown to love him. no matter whats going on around him, us fans know we can count on #26 going full bore, 100% on every play.
He was hurt and obviously frustrated, so I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt for now.
Perhaps this was a blessing in disguise, the chances of him playing the rest of the preseason are zero to none. Let's get him rested up and ready to go for week 1.
724Skinsfan 08-14-2006, 09:28 AM I wouldn't look too much into his comments, I'm sure Gibbs and Co aren't. He said it hurts, he justifies it by saying he shouldn't have been in there. The one positive about this is that he probably won't play again until the Vikings come to town, which means no further risk of injury. He is an excellent runner in anybody's system and will do fine without playing in any more preseason games.