08-15-2006, 12:06 PM
I think CP's comments are being taken as they were directed to the coaching staff, and while it sounded like they were, I think what he intended to do is gear them towards the NFL and them having preseason games to begin with. I'm not that upset with CP's comments, you can tell he's pissed about the situation and I dont blame him. He, like alot of NFL Vets want the NFL to just can preseason for the Vets and give the rookies two games or somthing. I'm not completley opposed to that either.
That being said, I think the injury to Chris Clemons is being slightly overlooked, he was very good in his role coming off the edge last year.
08-15-2006, 02:58 PM
Sometimes out of frustration we say things that we shouldn't say. I'm sure much of what Clinton had to say was out of frustration. However, there's an old saying "A drunk man speaks a sober man's mind." I will have to agree with the poster who stated he could have taken a little more precaution in protecting himself knowing he's playing in a meaningless game. I'm going to remember this thread for the future when or if adversity arises again while he's a Redskin whether it be injury or contract. I think in this instance more than anything else, it's the statement he made about playing in a game he shouldn't have been playing in anyway that rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. All the rest of his team-mates were playing in the same game, neither did we hear him make any statements about not wanting to play in the game beforehand. When Jon Jansen was hurt in pre-season and missed the year I dont recall his attitude being comprable to Portis's