Tha Posse
08-04-2006, 12:51 AM
Ok so I've been to two days of camp so far and I'm really irritated with these people with V.I.P passes, when it comes to trying to get an autograph. They hord around the players right when they get off the field, and then the players don't feel like coming up to the nosebleeds to sign some autographs. Whats up with this? Where do you get them?-not that I would buy one-
08-04-2006, 01:08 AM
its bullshit. They get up closer and they can run up to the players and do what ever the want. My understanding is you need to know someone to get them. Not anyone that high either, just someone. The thing is they can roam the sidlines while we have to get a spot and basically stand there the entire time. If we get there late people with umbrellas are going to block our way. Bull shit. SOmeone of them aren't fans at all. I don't care for autographs but they get them all.
Tha Posse
08-04-2006, 02:17 AM
Yeah it sucks getting there an hour before camp starts and waiting in the same spot for three hours to have Reed Doughty come up to sign your Official NFL football!!!
08-04-2006, 11:41 AM
What's irritating is to look at the VIPs expecting to see someone famous or at least rich and to realize it's probably just Denny Hamlin's tire-changer's cousin Cletus from Culpeper.
08-04-2006, 12:11 PM
Man VIP sounds like it would be fun. But I would be stoked just to go at all. I went to Cowboys camp a few years ago here in California and might go again next week. But that's only to spy on the enemy.:dallas: Not quite the same as being at Redskins Park.:woot: :httr:
08-04-2006, 12:16 PM
I know there was an eagles fan at redskins park. I didn't see him but i heard 500 people start a chant of EAGLES SUCK EAGLES SUCK.