07-31-2006, 10:10 AM
Larry is doing exaclty what he is told. Everyone needs to get off of him. I don't care for him much, god knows I rather be listening to Frank Herzog.
Snyder, (who I happen to really like) tells Larry what to say and Larry says it. How can you dislike the guy when his hands are tied?
It is not only the fact that he asks shitty questions, I understand a part of that is due to Snyder(who I like most of the time too). Regardless he is sleazy and very boring, and he could still improve on that without pushing buttons. And I can dislike whoever I want, I really hate people who bend over and take it. Or in this case, people who see the money, run towards it, bend over, and willingly stick it up their ass.
07-31-2006, 02:07 PM
Smarmy is a good word for him.
I could picture him selling used cars.
He reminds me of that used car salesman from True Lies, the one that pretends he's a spy to get chicks.
07-31-2006, 02:11 PM
"Makes you wanna' sit up and beg for buttermilk. Ass like a 10-year-old boy!"
Paxton was HILARIOUS as that role.
07-31-2006, 02:21 PM
One more vote for Larry really sucks.
07-31-2006, 03:37 PM
Sucks to be Frank, sucks to be a listener. But a wise long term solution.
I have to disagree. Having listened to SS&F since the early 80's they were the voice of the Dynasty years of Gibbs v1.0. They were an aural connection to the glory days of yesteryear. They never were very good to be honest. Huff is and always has been a total doofus on the air, and Sonny is a woeful homer, but that was part of the charm. All the while, Frank was the rock, the voice of reason, the stability of the team while Sonny and Sam would bicker over the mundane. Frank, as the pbp guy was the engine that drove the show.
IMHO, the smart thing to do if the team needed new blood would have been to bring in a younger voice in the booth by bringing along a younger ex-player type gradually, starting with a year or two on the sideline, then later bump Huff from the booth. This could have happened over a period of two or three years lessening the eventual back-lash from fans. If and when Hertz needed replacing (he's far from washed out, and nowhere near where Summerall was during his last couple years), you have to bring in an outsider with true pbp calling skills. This would likely be someone who has been calling college games for a while who has developed the skill to do play-by-play.
Also, it takes a LOT of skill to be able to call a football game, and you can't just take any bum off the street and plug him in the booth and say go like you can with baseball. Kicking a quality guy like Frank to the street without a legit game-caller was a poor management decision (I'll confess my ignorance of whatever conniving or politicing L.M. used to get into the position). It is even worse when you consider Frank's history with the team and community. No conceivable excuse can justify that.
Just my $0.03
07-31-2006, 06:03 PM
I do not know if this has been a thread before(I am sure it has), but Larry Michael really sucks. He is very boring to listen to, and honestly quite annoying. His questions suck as well, they are stupid ones like "How does it feel to be a Redskins", "How is coach Gibbs", basically stuff that we already know, and he never really asks good questions. I am sure someone from above in the organization tells him not to be controversial, but still he needs to atleast keep me awake. At one point, he said that he had been getting complaints that he doesn't push it, so he tried to be more pushing, but he didn't do shit. Seriously he really sucks, and needs to head out.
He is what he is......OK!!! I say give the guy some room to get better. After the season is over then lets do this again.
07-31-2006, 08:53 PM
He is what he is......OK!!! I say give the guy some room to get better. After the season is over then lets do this again.
He's a career radio personality. He's not getting anymore chances from me.
08-01-2006, 12:52 PM
Frank brought talent and class to the table.
I have not seen the same in his replacement(s).