Where is your radio show? Oh that's right you DON'T have one.
Maybe you guys can stop being punks and instead of criticizing maybe you can say something constructive...
Oh wait, wrong thread. Nothing to see here. Move on
07-30-2006, 11:17 PM
Where is your radio show? Oh that's right you DON'T have one.
Maybe you guys can stop being punks and instead of criticizing maybe you can say something constructive...
Oh wait, wrong thread. Nothing to see here. Move on
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Excellent post. Wow, that was pretty damn funny
Pocket$ $traight
07-31-2006, 12:16 AM
I do not know if this has been a thread before(I am sure it has), but Larry Michael really sucks. He is very boring to listen to, and honestly quite annoying. His questions suck as well, they are stupid ones like "How does it feel to be a Redskins", "How is coach Gibbs", basically stuff that we already know, and he never really asks good questions. I am sure someone from above in the organization tells him not to be controversial, but still he needs to atleast keep me awake. At one point, he said that he had been getting complaints that he doesn't push it, so he tried to be more pushing, but he didn't do shit. Seriously he really sucks, and needs to head out.
I may take some heat over this but Sam Huff may be the worst announcer in sports. I typically correct him at least once a game and that is while I am listening to the radio in the car and he is watching the game. He really should hang them up. He hasn't made any sense for at least two years.
Larry is Snyder's chosen one. What do you expect?
Tahoe Skin
07-31-2006, 12:36 AM
I was real excited about the Redskins radio show with Larry until it actually started. I think he's a terrific interviewer, but when he's not interviewing, I was getting bored. If he would keep to the interivews it would be fine. Honestly, I'm a die hard Skins fan, and record Larry's show daily (and Riggo's), but I can't stand to listen to Larry's show.
btw, Bram, adds nothing . . . just IMHO. He spent the first week being combative with Riggo - go figure?
07-31-2006, 12:54 AM
I may take some heat over this but Sam Huff may be the worst announcer in sports. I typically correct him at least once a game and that is while I am listening to the radio in the car and he is watching the game. He really should hang them up. He hasn't made any sense for at least two years.
Larry is Snyder's chosen one. What do you expect?
Huff is awful. I used to work with Frank Herzog and he'd tell me how he and Sonny would take bets on how soon into the broadcast Huff would just doze off.
Larry is just a really smarmy smug guy. I don't care much for him.
love them hogs
07-31-2006, 01:07 AM
I couldnt agree more that larry has to go and Frank Herzog should be back.Last year i turned on comcast to see what was on and there was Frank working a batton twrilling contest.I tell you it just broke my heart.
Huff is awful. I used to work with Frank Herzog and he'd tell me how he and Sonny would take bets on how soon into the broadcast Huff would just doze off.
Larry is just a really smarmy smug guy. I don't care much for him.
Smarmy is a good word for him.
I could picture him selling used cars.
07-31-2006, 02:18 AM
Put me down as someone that has no love for Larry. Like others said, the man is boring and his play calling is pretty shit if you ask me (too many mistakes).
07-31-2006, 07:18 AM
Said this before but BRING BACK FRANK!!!
07-31-2006, 07:51 AM
why was frank ever left go?