07-28-2006, 03:27 PM
I'll give Marty credit where it was due. If he had the stability that Gibbs had, it would have been a different team.
Arrington happy to put Redskins in pastTheMalcolmConnection 07-28-2006, 03:27 PM I'll give Marty credit where it was due. If he had the stability that Gibbs had, it would have been a different team. MTK 07-28-2006, 03:41 PM Marty deserved a fair run at building the team, but no sense in crying over it now. If back then you would have given me the choice of sticking it out with Marty, or canning him and having two god-awful seasons with Spurrier IF it meant Gibbs would come back, I would gladly take those two disasterous seasons with Spurrier all over again. djnemo65 07-28-2006, 03:56 PM I remember hearing Arrington on the John Thompson show right after the Seattle loss, and he said that they were building something special in Washington and that he hoped he could be a part of it.....that he would even be willing to take a paycut to stay. So this is garbage. Lavar, you are officially dead to me. #56fanatic 07-28-2006, 04:52 PM You all and me as well have our own opinions about people when and why they leave the organization. The thing that kills me is its ok for an organiztion to cut a guy, but people get all bent out of shape when they leave for a better deal. Teams cut players to benifit themselves as far as money goes, so why do people get so pissed off when a player accepts a better deal financially. Especially when they are 28 to 29 years old and its probably the last pay day they are going to get. At least the last one of any significance. Its a business. I was pissed when they let him go, when they didn't come to an agreement as to what was fair for him and for the team. But, this is what happens in todays NFL. You cant expect a guy to accept 4 million a year, when they can get 7 or 8 million. None of us would. that would be the most rediculous thing ever. There were things like playing time that played a role in him leaving as well. He knew he probably wasn't going to play as much as he felt he should. Other teams were telling him he was an everydown player. As a professional athelete you want to compete every single play. He know his relationship with Danny, and the staff was straighned to say the least. Why are professional athletes considered unloyal or pieces of shit if they leave. Tell me that if your company was low balling you by 100k and another company was willing to pay you what you felt you were worth, are you going to stay. I think NOT! Money is the mover, motivator, the talker for everything and everyone. Cant we just forget about the crap and start thinking of who is going to be playing there instead of the person that used to play there. so he put it behind him, doesn't everyone. gibbs4life 07-28-2006, 05:12 PM blah blah blah If he's so happy to be moving on why is he still talking about it? Deep down he's hurt, he knows it. Welcome to the NFL, LaVar, it's a cold business. 'No comment' is so underrated. thats what i,m talking about.. it,s a cold hard buisness... i take it he is really worried about this lethal offense he,s gotta play against,thats if he even plays. Longtimefan 07-28-2006, 05:43 PM I knew there was going to come a time when we would see this side of LaVar, that's why his comments do not suprise me in the least. All that talk in times gone by about how much he loved the Redskins, the fans, and the City was all a crock of. I could see through all the bull when I first heard it, and he ceased to be of concern when he started running his mouth. When he's done in N.Y. he'll bad mouth them too. love them hogs 07-28-2006, 06:06 PM If you ask me everyone should just throw all of thier old lavar jerseys at the visiting team tunnel when he comes out for the first time at fed ex. Then turn our backs on him and be done with the whole damn topic please. MightyJoeGibbs 07-28-2006, 06:55 PM I dont know if that would be a psychological motivation for him or not by throwing them at him- though funny and fitting. I think we should start a fire in the parking lot burning every jersey we have of him. I think it would send a louder message that before he is even in the building, that we are dessecrating his legacy. But I have already come to terms, back is turned, and that chapter has been already been closed. NoviSkins 07-28-2006, 07:43 PM Pierce is overpayed and overated, and Lavar will be so excited to play against us that he will be out of position, which will result in a game-changing play for the Skins. Guaranteed. skins052bgr8 07-28-2006, 09:15 PM This is hilarious post I looked at on Giants website, after all this uproar about Arrington I had to go see what was going on with him the first day of training camp, he is always going to be a whiner. Merril Hoge should not have to apoligize for being an analyst and saying what everyone else is saying about Lavar. Lavar it is just not a few people who think you are overrated and undiscliplined in schemes. Oh it most be the Postons giving him good insight and saying everyone else is wrong. It's all personal with Lavar no matter the situation it is always poor Lavar. How many other ex-player analyst are going to have to call Arrington this year and apologize because he knows them? • Linebacker LaVar Arrington (, who was unhappy yesterday with comments made by ESPN analyst Merril Hoge, said their disagreement has been mended after the two men had a phone conversation. Arrington, asked Giants vice president of communications Pat Hanlon to call Hoge. Hanlon and Hoge are friends and Arrington has known Hoge since he was a youngster in Western Pennsylvania. “I had our PR people call him,” Arrington said. “I wouldn’t do that with just anybody, but I’ve known him since I was in middle school. We speak and he reported on games I played in as a high school player. That one hit me kind of personal, so it was cool that he gave me a call. “He did apologize. It felt good. It hurt my feelings, because we go way back. It was good that he called me and made it right.” Hoge had said that Arrington lacks discipline and he questioned whether the three-time Pro Bowler could play for Coughlin. “It was strong,” Arrington said. “He just basically said that he took what was being said and didn’t even think to take the time to give me a call. He got caught up in the moment of getting information from one source and ran with it. Sometimes it happens. But when you have a person that you communicate with and you have a personal relationship with, usually I let him know – you’re going to say what you’re going to say. But at least communicate with me and let me know that this is what you’re thinking or this is what you’re heard, how do you feel about it. The courtesy and the respect that he showed by calling me and apologizing, I’ll take that. I’ve moved on from it.” |
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