07-17-2006, 10:43 PM
Just wanted to let you know you have done a tremendous job with this website. I first joined mid season last year and you have done so much in the short time I have been here that it boggles my mind. You Live, Eat and Breath the Redskins!!!!!
Thanks so much for all your hard work and effort. This is certainly a fan site to be envied!!!
07-17-2006, 10:57 PM
Yea I totally agree...I joined about the same time and this site has become my main site for Skins news and everything else Redskins. There have been som many improvements made to this site that make it so great. I know it took some hard work and a lot of time..props go out to MattyK for all your hard work to make the site so great!
07-18-2006, 12:10 AM
Cheers to Matt. I actually sent him a message asking about his hard work before I read this, so GJ there Matt.
I know was voted best media website if I'm not mistaken. Do they evaluate forums such as this around the league if all teams participate talking about their runner up teams? It be nice to get him some recognition for that, beyond just us.
07-18-2006, 05:35 AM
What MattyK72 has done is even more incredible when you consider what this site was when it all began. To develop this site from a humble Yahoo Group and build it to its present-day form is truly amazing.
What he has built is so much more than just a fan website; it's a strong, thriving online community of football fans, many of whom consider this place their online home.
He has drawn together a talented and dedicated group of contributors and moderators (and even a Graphic Design Pimp!), and he has allowed those individuals, along with the members they serve, to take a very active role in shaping and building this community.
At the same time, he has carefully preserved the essential qualities of the site that brought people here in the first place: simplicity of design, ease-of-use, aesthetic value, and last but not least intelligent, informed and civil (if not always friendly) dialogue.
We don't say it enough, but THANK YOU, Matty! :food-smil
07-18-2006, 05:59 AM
I'm sure I don't say it enough.
Thanks to Matty and everyone else that works on the site!!!
Been here since yahoo groups in 98 or so and been here ever since. For me no need for extremeskins too many useless people.
07-18-2006, 06:36 AM
mtty and the all the mods make this the best redskin's site by far. The last few months we have be thrown lots of new things(my favorite the arcade). We just got our first newsletter and the warpath film site opened up just recently. Its great you all find new things to add. Great job guys.
07-18-2006, 08:02 AM
whats up with all the man love? j/k great job by matty and everyone involved
07-18-2006, 08:06 AM
Man Law: Matty is THE MAN!
07-18-2006, 08:24 AM
Yup, I never thank everyone enough for giving me this place. Honestly, I wouldn't know what to do with myself during the day if this didn't exist.
07-18-2006, 08:28 AM
If it weren't for this website I would have quit this job months ago. So I don't know if I should be thanking Matty or cursing him.
I guess I'll go with thanks.