05-09-2006, 10:52 PM
Attention: Rumors of a PB & J Time breakup are untrue.
However, it is true that JamaicanSkin has released a solo ( and BigSkin and PSU are working on a clothing line (
05-09-2006, 10:55 PM
Attention: Rumors of a PB & J Time breakup are untrue.
However, it is true that JamaicanSkin has released a solo ( and BigSkin and PSU are working on a clothing line ( is that kid saying?
05-10-2006, 09:33 AM
aww man, I love that show as a kid.
Contact...It's the secret, it's the moment when everything happens.
Loved The Bloodhound Gang (
Round 77, really has little to nothing to do with Question 3. But why does there have to be a fat ass Latino in Prison Break and one in LOST (though Hurley is not just fat ass, he's also bad ass)?
Because if they were skinny Latinos it would lead to innappropriate jokes about red beans and rice, which would, in turn, be even more racist.
And why was it that the only person they should getting devoured in Jurassic Park 2 was some idiot Latino?
Because that's what us ticket-buying white folk want to see. We don't want to drop $10 on a movie to watch the white guy and girl get eaten and some Latino guy save the day. This is why George Lopez will never be an action star. We can laugh at Latinos, but not route for them.......don't be so silly TAFKAS
I'll bet Michael Vick's middle name is Pedro that's why you all really hate him.
Actually it's worse than that, it's really "Pedro-Jerome-Osama-Pierre".....and that's why we really hate him.
Disclaimer: the above message does not reflect the true opinions of PSUSkinsFan21. The message is meant only to amuse those with inappropriate senses of humor and should in no way be taken as a serious statement or as an indication of racial intollerance. If the above message offends the reader in any way, please send all hate mail to ST21 (he made me do it). Of course, if you laughed though, I take full credit.
05-10-2006, 09:44 AM
Attention: Rumors of a PB & J Time breakup are untrue.
However, it is true that JamaicanSkin has released a solo ( and BigSkin and PSU are working on a clothing line (
SOLO?! SOLO?! Is that what he told you? You've got to be kidding me. You don't really think JamaicanSkin could have come up with those super tight lyrics on his own do you? And who do you think was driving that Hummer the whole time? What about that fly backbeat? Nah, that was all PB & J Time right there.
That's it though, that's the last time BSB and I let JS take the lead if he's just going to sell us out like that.
As for the clothing sure to look for your favorite Pimpfants fashions coming to a Kids R' Us near you. BSB and I have sunk our life savings into starting up this clothing line, so we truly appreciate your anticipated business fellow Warpathers.
05-10-2006, 09:55 AM
aww man, I love that show as a kid.
Contact...It's the secret, it's the moment when everything happens.
Loved The Bloodhound Gang (
Round 77, really has little to nothing to do with Question 3. But why does there have to be a fat ass Latino in Prison Break and one in LOST (though Hurley is not just fat ass, he's also bad ass)? And why was it that the only person they should getting devoured in Jurassic Park 2 was some idiot Latino? I'll bet Michael Vick's middle name is Pedro that's why you all really hate him.
No, it's because he's Ron MEXICO. Seriously though, you need to get online so we can talk about Prison Break. They're going to end this season with the biggest cliffhanger EVER, and it's going to piss me off.
05-10-2006, 01:39 PM
BSB wins today's round because it's his bday
05-10-2006, 01:47 PM
BSB wins today's round because it's his bdayBest present I have gotten yet :D.
Warning Taf 7500 is comming rather quickly...
05-10-2006, 01:55 PM
Happy Birthday BSB! :happybday :cheers
Wish I'd have known that before I got my hopes up though, TAFKAS.
05-10-2006, 01:58 PM
Happy Birthday BSB! :happybday :cheers
Wish I'd have known that before I got my hopes up though, TAFKAS.thanks, i think my birthday money can make up some of the money we spent on the clothing line.
05-10-2006, 02:05 PM
:happybday :happybday :happybday :happybday :happybday :happybday