05-11-2004, 09:23 PM
i also dont think Gibbs will be here for than 5 years. In 2006 we will be about 20 million over the cap i can honestly only see him staying about 3 or 4 years i could be wrong but that just my opinion. He will have his sucess and step down and go down as one of the best coaches ever not that he already isn't
I cant see Gibbs just leaving because the going gets tough. Hes going ot leave in an honorable way. Playing out his contract is one good way to do that, but I cant see him leaving us in a bad position, that wouldnt be in his character.
05-11-2004, 10:25 PM
Don't expect to see us 20 mil over the cap. Restructuring and a HUGE HUGE HUGE cap increase in 05 will help relieve the pain.
05-11-2004, 11:28 PM
Gibbs will do his 5 years and retire, health aside. He will be 68 by then. I agree with most of you, I hope he grooms a coach to take over. However, we thought that Richie was groomed, and John Cooke let him go after one year. So......I think we will be in the market for a coach in 4-5 years. If Danny lets him go before then, I will turn in my tix!
05-12-2004, 12:53 AM
Three reasons why Gibbs should be here for a full five years - and maybe even a couple beyond that - and be very successful:
1. He delegates authority to competent assistants so he does not have to be fussing over each and every detail of every aspect of the team. He focues his detailed attention to areas that need work.
2. He is a disciplinarian who will weed the team down to players who want to play in the kind of enviroment he provides. He understands that fighting with players who don't want to be in that kind of system is wasted energy.
3. He is adaptable. His teams played with game plans that were aimed toward maximizing the strengths of the roster and toward hiding the weaknesses.
Three reasons why Gibbs might not be here for his full five years and why he might not be as successful as people might think:
1. He is a diabetic. Diabetes is not curable and it CAN lead to other serious health problems. Diabetes can be controlled in a football environment. But if his diabetes leads to kidney failure and dialysis is the necessary treatment, it is unlikely that Gibbs could coach under those conditions. Diabetes can also lead to heart disease and some neurological disorders. Chances are this will be controlled, but at age 63, you have to recognize that this is a potential danger.
2. He is a disciplinarian. If he can't get 45 guys on the roster to buy into his system - including 100% of the starters - there could be problems after a year or so.
3. If the Redskins improve next year to 9-7 (just to pick a figure here for argument's sake) and EVERYONE here in THE WARPATH and in the press says that this is 100% Joe Gibbs' doing, will Danny Boy stand aside and allow all the accolades to go somewhere other than to Danny Boy? Or will he "exert his own will" next off season and maybe sign someone Gibbs does not want? If that happens, then all bets are off. My guess is Gibbs takes a hike and half the staff walks with him. Don't tell me it can't happen. You can wish that it won't happen, but it can...
05-12-2004, 12:57 AM
I dont' know about you guys, but I thought Williams was the obvious sucessor.
05-12-2004, 01:18 AM
gregg williams will be next in line if he has the d he always brings for every club he's worked for. and i would love to have a defensive minded coach that learns from gibbs in all aspects of the game. he failed in buffalo cuz he doesnt have such a offensive mind but he will learn alot from gibbs and give the team what they need.... PREASURE ON THE DARN QB!!!!!!!!
05-12-2004, 02:18 AM
3. If the Redskins improve next year to 9-7 (just to pick a figure here for argument's sake) and EVERYONE here in THE WARPATH and in the press says that this is 100% Joe Gibbs' doing, will Danny Boy stand aside and allow all the accolades to go somewhere other than to Danny Boy? Or will he "exert his own will" next off season and maybe sign someone Gibbs does not want? If that happens, then all bets are off. My guess is Gibbs takes a hike and half the staff walks with him. Don't tell me it can't happen. You can wish that it won't happen, but it can...
Gibbs is in charge now, and is team president, he gets the final say. I hope when Gibbs leaves that Snyder does not take over as president and that we hire someone to do it.
05-12-2004, 08:04 AM
Skins - Snyders writes the checks, so it's his club. He get's the final say, because if Snyder wanted he could fire Gibbs in a second. That would be stupid, bu possible. You act as if Gibbs is now the owner of the Redskins.
05-12-2004, 08:05 AM
Unless Gibbs has Alzheimer's Disease or suffers from some unreported Senility than I don't really think that his mental processes should be slowed by his age. I'll take his decades of experience and be pretty happy with that, thanks. Paterno's decline is more to do with stubborness (sp?) than any health concern. He sticks to a system that just isn't having the same effect it used to. On the contrary, Gibbs has always been an innovator dating at least back to his days with San Diego and I'd wager before that. Now the Diabetes could be a genuine concern, but with the top level medical care that I am sure he is getting, I would be surprised to see it affect his performance.