Schneed10 04-07-2006, 11:21 PM Rabach is already a millionaire and doesnt need money nearly as much as an average joe who needs each and every paycheck to get by. If somebody with a regular job couldn't work anymore, they would be a lot more screwed than an NFL player who is already a millionaire
OK now you're talking about something completely dehabilitating, like paralyzing yourself. In that case you're right, the NFL player has more money saved and could get by easier than the average joe.
But if we're talking about risking paralysis, then getting on an ATV is stupid for ANYBODY. But that's besides the point.
There are countless other injuries that would ruin a football career, but still allow the average joe to sit at his desk and do his job.
steveo395 04-07-2006, 11:32 PM OK now you're talking about something completely dehabilitating, like paralyzing yourself. In that case you're right, the NFL player has more money saved and could get by easier than the average joe.
But if we're talking about risking paralysis, then getting on an ATV is stupid for ANYBODY. But that's besides the point.
There are countless other injuries that would ruin a football career, but still allow the average joe to sit at his desk and do his job.
you said "A regular joe risks his regular joe salary when he rides ATVs. He could get hurt an not be able to make it back to his 9-5."
so i guess you were talking about paralysis there too?
Pocket$ $traight 04-08-2006, 12:38 AM This is idiotic. You could get in your car and drive to a 7-11 and get killed in a car wreck. You could be walking to work and someone loses control and runs over you.
Shoulda, coulda, woulda....who gives a shit. The guy has the right to get on an ATV if he wants. No one in this chatroom has the right to tell anyone what they should be doing and the bottom line is that he will be fine.
And by the way. Don't football players, especially, risk paralysis every time they suit up?
You are going to criticize a football player for riding an ATV?
GoSkins! 04-08-2006, 09:08 AM I dont think that I want to take sides on this issue. I can see both viewpoints. I do wonder, after the Winslow incident, if Rabach had anything specifically written into his contract that disallowed this type of riding? Heck, after the Taylor incident, the skins may have to start writing contracts that have a no-ATV-ownership clause.
Schneed10 04-08-2006, 01:12 PM This is idiotic. You could get in your car and drive to a 7-11 and get killed in a car wreck. You could be walking to work and someone loses control and runs over you.
Shoulda, coulda, woulda....who gives a shit. The guy has the right to get on an ATV if he wants. No one in this chatroom has the right to tell anyone what they should be doing and the bottom line is that he will be fine.
And by the way. Don't football players, especially, risk paralysis every time they suit up?
You are going to criticize a football player for riding an ATV?
Since you went and threw in the term idiotic, I assume it's open season with the verbage up in here now. Your post is downright stupid.
Point number 1 - you could get killed in a car wreck on your way to 7-11. Yes you could. But you're a lot more likely to get hurt on an ATV than you are on a car. That's why medical insurance premiums for motorbikes are higher than for cars.
Point number 2 - I'm not trying to tell anyone what they can or can't do. I never said there was anything contractually preventing Rabach from riding an ATV. There's nothing illegal about it. I respect that it's his decision to make. All I'm doing is criticizing him for making a poor decision. He can choose what he wants to do, but guess what, I'm free to judge him on his decisions if I want to.
Point number 3 - Football players get paid to risk paralysis every time they suit up. If they didn't suit up and risk the paralysis, they wouldn't earn the millions of dollars. If they don't hop on an ATV, they don't risk paralysis, AND they keep their million dollar salary.
Yes I'm going to criticize a football player for riding an ATV. By doing so he's jeopardizing his ability to play football in the future, which is precisely what allows him to earn millions per year.
Schneed10 04-08-2006, 01:15 PM you said "A regular joe risks his regular joe salary when he rides ATVs. He could get hurt an not be able to make it back to his 9-5."
so i guess you were talking about paralysis there too?
Yes, I was talking about the kind of injury that would completely dehabilitate you. A football player would lose his ability to play football by, say, shattering a kneecap. With that same shattered kneecap, a regular joe would still be able to sit at his desk and answer the phone, he'd just need a cane or a wheelchair to get him to work.
Longtimefan 04-08-2006, 01:44 PM From what I know about Rabach, he's a big hunter.
And please!!!! whatever he does don't go hunting with Dick Cheney.
Pocket$ $traight 04-08-2006, 03:54 PM Since you went and threw in the term idiotic, I assume it's open season with the verbage up in here now. Your post is downright stupid.
Point number 1 - you could get killed in a car wreck on your way to 7-11. Yes you could. But you're a lot more likely to get hurt on an ATV than you are on a car. That's why medical insurance premiums for motorbikes are higher than for cars.
Point number 2 - I'm not trying to tell anyone what they can or can't do. I never said there was anything contractually preventing Rabach from riding an ATV. There's nothing illegal about it. I respect that it's his decision to make. All I'm doing is criticizing him for making a poor decision. He can choose what he wants to do, but guess what, I'm free to judge him on his decisions if I want to.
Point number 3 - Football players get paid to risk paralysis every time they suit up. If they didn't suit up and risk the paralysis, they wouldn't earn the millions of dollars. If they don't hop on an ATV, they don't risk paralysis, AND they keep their million dollar salary.
Yes I'm going to criticize a football player for riding an ATV. By doing so he's jeopardizing his ability to play football in the future, which is precisely what allows him to earn millions per year.
Keep trying to tell everyone how they should live their life, Hillary...
As long as he doesn't get burned on a stunt I couldn't care less.
Schneed10 04-08-2006, 04:15 PM Keep trying to tell everyone how they should live their life, Hillary...
As long as he doesn't get burned on a stunt I couldn't care less.
Again, I'm not telling anyone what to do. I don't get what's so hard to understand here. I just think it's stupid.
hooskins 04-08-2006, 05:21 PM Again, I'm not telling anyone what to do. I don't get what's so hard to understand here. I just think it's stupid.
Is the point of being flithy freaking rich??? F that, if I had that kinda money I would be doing bungee jumps off Anacostia bring. You seriously cant expect someone to conform to what you think is "smart". The guy was having fun, and there are plently of things that are more dangerous than ATVs, and that pt has been made, yet you ignore it. I am sure anyone at thewarpath, would ride on ATVs if they were on Skins. Now if your a lil scaredy cat and you dnt want to ride ATVs, then thats ok, thats your personal opinion of what is "smart". People get hurt all the time for alot of other things. Does that make them stupid as well(for playing bball, swiming, playing with their kids, etc???). Oh no during the offseason all players should just be put into a lil box, and feed with a tube. That should solve the problem, or better yet why dont we have the players stay at Skins park 24/7!! That would solve the problem entirely, just take away their life. This argument has more crap in it then the DonJohn across the street.