On 2nd thought, I think I'll be keeping the redskinswarpath domain name.
Find your own site name, I'd rather not have this site associated with yours in any way.
03-31-2006, 12:30 PM
I wanted to talk to a non-mod member of this site to see if they thought this whole thing was a joke. I just got done talking Malcolm on AIM and it seems he has been invited to do graphic work at the new site. Now unless Malcolm is trying to pull one over on me too, this looks like it's for real as far as I can tell.
Speaking of which TAFKAS, I've studied CrazyCanuck's cap sheets religiously since coming to the WP.net, and I'm a financial analyst by trade. If you need someone to keep salary cap figures at your new site, I'd be glad to help out.
03-31-2006, 12:31 PM
Maybe people should be choosing sides, because you guys seem to be taking a very childish route to handling this.
I'm not going to continue on with this distraction much longer, it's serving no purpose but to split the ranks and try to hype your new site.
If we can't handle things like civilized people, I'll lock down the thread and/or start handing out some bans. Your choice, smootsmack.
Ironic that you would say "handle things like civilized people" and give us Defector avatars.
03-31-2006, 12:31 PM
Normally I keep a level head about this type of stuff but that's totally gay. No one said anything truly inflammatory and you're getting your panties in a twist over it.
And don't forget, they have the power poll too on the new site.
You mean that "weekly" feature that only gets posted about once a month?
Yeah, go ahead and enjoy.
03-31-2006, 12:32 PM
Yeah dude, you're the one FP??...sorry. But you're right, I feel as though on that list are some of the most opinionated if anything. And I've seen a few you get into a hot debates with Matty.
I agree that few of those guys are very opinionated, but when there opinions agree with Matty's 99% of the time, it doesn't create a very good posting environment for regular users.
03-31-2006, 12:32 PM
I wanted to talk to a non-mod member of this site to see if they thought this whole thing was a joke. I just got done talking Malcolm on AIM and it seems he has been invited to do graphic work at the new site. Now unless Malcolm is trying to pull one over on me too, this looks like it's for real as far as I can tell.
Speaking of which TAFKAS, I've studied CrazyCanuck's cap sheets religiously since coming to the WP.net, and I'm a financial analyst by trade. If you need someone to keep salary cap figures at your new site, I'd be glad to help out.
We'd be happy to have you on board. Thanks for the generous offer.
03-31-2006, 12:32 PM
I have to admit this is better than WrestleMania...