Redskins - Losers?

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03-21-2006, 02:57 PM
Yet another biased writer that doesn't know half as much about the Skins as all of us. What else is new? I've said it before, I'll say it again: who cares what this moron has to say?

All I care about is wins and losses. The NFL isn't a popularity contest. They don't give points or championships for being the media's favorite team. And any polls, opinions, or "expert" commentary has zero effect on our team's screw 'em.

03-21-2006, 03:04 PM
I'm beginning to love all of the hate. The fact is, that it will most likely provide even more motivation for the team to win the east next year. You have to understand where its coming from. These guys pick the wrong teams annually. They pick based on biases & emotion. So, it will come down to what happens on the field next year.

03-21-2006, 03:04 PM
I really want to start a sticky thread where all these guys Redskin predictions can be posted. No reply or discussion - just a resource for news articles from the media gathered under one thread. Maybe subcategories under the newswire forum: (1) Predictions, commentary that Skins will fail, and (2) Predictions, commentary that Skins will succeed.

As for Banks article, it's simply pointless to comment on it. First, as I have consistently said, the intellectual dishonesty and inconsistency of these SI writers irks me beyond all reason. Banks says it's okay for the Titans to overbid for Givens b/c he was a need even though he may not pan out as a No. 1 WR. Yet, we had a need at the No. 2 WR spot and got the best we could having to out bid the hometown and local discount. But, of course, sooner or later, we'll pay for all this; the world will end; blah blah blah. Same sh** they have all been saying for years. He did add a new twist, w/ another ever so subtle jab at Gibbs. - Despite Gibbs promises to "right the ship" Gibbs will abandon the team to its cap hell. Okay, you believe that Mr. Banks - you have been so accurate in your previous predictions of the Skins impending cap doom.

BTW - How does Baltimore avoid the worst list?? 10M signing bonus to a 30 year old DE with back problems and signing Mike Anderson to a big contract days before resigning J. Lewis (a similar back) to a big contract??. Meanwhile, losing C. Taylor, Maake K (a great pick-up for Carolina acc. to Banks). And, in the great QB derby, the Ravens signed who?? What needs have they addressed? Why did they not do more to retain those they have lost? How have they exercised financial planning in their signings? What is their offensive plan? Their defensive plan? How do their actions accomplish those plans?

The inconsistency by Banks is just mind boggling. Does he even proof-read his crap? I mean really, what is his criteria for choosing good and bad? I think the legitimate way to do so is to ask, for each team, the questions I went through with the Ravens. But, of course, this is time consuming and simply too much work for the national hacks. Instead, it's read the headlines and shoot from the hip.

Banks article merely confirms that the internal memo referenced in my signature actually does exist.

Bottom line: Only way to shut these idiots up is to win and do so consistently. Until then, they can continue to say - "well, for all your spending, you still don't have a consistent winner."

So let's get this dynasty rolling and flip them all the finger after we win our 4th Superbowl in a row.

P.S. - Despite the pointlessness of it, I apparently had considerable amount of commentary concerning the Banks article. LOL.

03-21-2006, 03:09 PM
The only thing that will shut these mediots up is winning a Super Bowl.. Until that happens then we will continue to be subjected to all of their Snyder, Brunell and Gibbs bashing..

Bottom line: Only way to shut these idiots up is to win and do so consistently. Until then, they can continue to say - "well, for all your spending, you still don't have a consistent winner."

You watch: the moment we win the Super Bowl, the only thing you'll hear is how Dan Snyder bought a championship.

03-21-2006, 03:12 PM
yeah now this thread is beating a dead horse...:bdh:

we all agree that he's way way way off...

fu*k the naysayers... especially the ignorant ones

That Guy
03-21-2006, 03:19 PM
I can bring the news, but I can't bring any skills to the computer table! I've heard the term URL, but I can't find that button on the keyboard. The mouse doesn't have any voice, so, I'm at a loss. I've disabled my speakers because I can't stand dings, bells and or whistles.

Now, due to watching the screen for so long, my eyes are going bad. I had to upgrade my reading glasses a while back.

I get stiff while sitting for long periods. My knees won't cooperate on steps. I get Arthur in my thumbs.

My hair is grey/white, and thinning.

Help, I've fallen, and can't get up!

if your eyes seriously do bother you, consider upping the refresh rate on your monitor or buying an LCD.

03-21-2006, 03:39 PM
One quick point.. None of the writers ever seem to indicate that they think the players that were replaced (Patten/Thrash, Wynn, Clark, Royal) were better than the players that we brought in (Lloyd, Randle El, Carter, Archuleta, Fauria) just that we spent a bunch of money on them.. If we were losers in free agency then demonstrate how we are a worse team for bringning those players in not just that you disagree with our economics..

03-21-2006, 03:51 PM
Good post, JoeRedskin (and everyone else--this is a little like shooting fish in a barrel...)

I find the bad reasoning most entertaining--they assume we were headed to cap hell. Then, surprise, we somehow (no doubt illegally) avoid it. Then we plunge ourselves right back into soon to happen cap hell. But this falsely assumes we were ever in (or anywhere near) cap hell to begin with. And--and this is the fact that simply cannot compute over at SI (and if it did, they would see how stupid they've been--to tough to admit): WE ARE NOT, AND HAVE NEVER BEEN IN CAP HELL!

So, rejecting the false assumption, and taking the fact thay the Steelers, for example, blew it by losing Randle-el, we spent our money wisely to improve our team in areas that SI was extremely happy to point out we were weak in last year (as if this was somehow missed by the folks in the skins FO). QED.

(Isn't it fun beating a dead horse, especially when we're in the offseason doldrums? ;))

03-21-2006, 04:18 PM
im the biggest culprit...
i keep saying "im done with this post" and find myself addicted to the war path... reply after reply

i guess theres nothing else to do in the offseason...

03-21-2006, 04:18 PM
I know that everyone pretty much has the same things to say about these guys as far as their hate for the Redskins. Myself I love it, I love to argue and this gives me a reason. The reason these writers come out and say bad things about the Redskins is because it's the "in" thing. If you go against the norm and actually give Washington credit for what they do then you are subjecting yourself to the whipping pole for everyone else. Each writer just about said that Dan Snyder would go out and pay T.O. all the money in the world to get him because he's a star. That he would come in and destroy the team atmosphere, Dallas signs him and Jerry Jones is a genius. Why you may ask ? Because it wasn't us. Each position was upgraded when we signed players. Washington could've kept Lavar he decided to leave and like someone said before, he was hardly used and they still rolled along so I don't understand the hub bub. I love the fact that Snyder will go out and get who the coach says he wants, that's why the skins are worth $1.26 bill and they bring home the bacon for the Falcons and Bengals who for some reason can't make money.

Joe Gibbs said it best, "The thing I want to emphasize is this: We haven't done one thing that anybody else can't do," the Redskins' Hall of Fame coach said following a news conference to introduce free-agent signing Andre Carter. "We have certain rules in the league. Here's the cap, here's the numbers, here's what you can spend, so everybody in the league can do what we're doing, it's just that they choose not to, many of them."

Don't get angry about the practices learn how to do it. T.O. will get $10, $8, and $7 mil for each year he plays for the Cowboys. Wow, talk about a cap number. Peter King said the Skins should be investigated because something has to be up with the contracts and the money we sign guys to. How's about 91,000 + fans a game dummy. That equals $$$$$$ !!!!!! Tell the other teams to make some money, sell some team hot dogs or something. Learn how to market, advertise, whatever they need to do get off their butts and earn some money and buy Head Coaches and make them Coordinators ! Damn it feels good to be a Skins fan !!!!

HAIL !!!!

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