New Labor Rules

03-16-2006, 02:20 PM

That is crap.
Alot of whiney crybabies are going to get there way with the nfl.

Hopefully teams take a stand and dont sign guys like TO anymore.

That Guy
03-16-2006, 02:40 PM
wow. now TO is a total waste of money. he acts up, he's keep his money AND gets to go get a new deal with a new team.

03-16-2006, 03:19 PM
I actually saw this when the NFLPA published their notes on the deal on their web site (Upshaw is still a POS). My immediate reaction was that this actually hurts TO even worse. As I read the agreement, TO could sign a deal then have a three way with the wife of the coach and the QB and then put the video on his website and then never show up for practice or a game. It would only cost him 1/4th of his signing bonus.

Because he is perfectly capable of engaging in those kind of team building activities, I don't think anyone is going to give him anything up front that they aren't willing to see zero return on.

Bigger picture though, while Clayton is correct that things may have been a bit one sided in the owners favor previously, the pendulam has swung so far that the inmates are now running the asylum.

03-16-2006, 03:31 PM
Bigger picture though, while Clayton is correct that things may have been a bit one sided in the owners favor previously, the pendulam has swung so far that the inmates are now running the asylum.

Love the analogy.

03-16-2006, 08:27 PM
I actually saw this when the NFLPA published their notes on the deal on their web site (Upshaw is still a POS). My immediate reaction was that this actually hurts TO even worse. As I read the agreement, TO could sign a deal then have a three way with the wife of the coach and the QB and then put the video on his website and then never show up for practice or a game. It would only cost him 1/4th of his signing bonus.

Because he is perfectly capable of engaging in those kind of team building activities, I don't think anyone is going to give him anything up front that they aren't willing to see zero return on.

RiggoRules nailed it. The new agreement hurts TO more than anyone, because it removes the kind of control a team might use to keep a lid on things. Teams were already thinking the "what to do if ..." scenarios. Now the risks are even higher.

03-16-2006, 08:34 PM
riggorules,i could not of said it any better

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