firstdown 03-07-2006, 05:22 PM agreed. If I was in lavar's shoes I probably would have done the same thing. If he stays here who's to say they still don't go get another guy (similar to gibbs getting Brunell + Campbell despite ramsey... whom fans generally appreciated) and then re-bench Lavar. Gibbs + Williams are Hall of fame coaches but they do what they want because they can.
He barely started in front of Holdman which is a red flag right there. The two sides just couldn't co-exist and as I recall Lavar, minus one outburst, was calm despite extreme frustration (imagine you are the redskins fans' idol... 3 time probowler, back to health and ready to take the team to a super bowl and Warrick Holdman starts over you).
He wanted to give cap room to help the team he loves, yet still start and prolong his career in the NFL, and he knew this was the only way. I still love the guy and as far as the NFC east statement... he wants to come back to fedex field and see his fans... who regardless of the situation loved and cheered him on. Frankly this terrifies me but I can't blame him. It makes total sense and I don't see how any rational controversy could result from this. I will cheer if I see him in a Philli uniform @ fedex next year. Not because I'm happy he's there, but because I'm happy he was here and played with the most heart on the team. Godspeed Lavar... shame on the redskins.So now the coaches should play players that fans appreciate. Thats how I want my team to be coached. Lets hear it for another 10 years of loosing. I just don't under stand how a coach with all his success in football and nascar made it. He just goes and plays who ever he wants good or bad (its because they are his man) can just keep winning.
JWsleep 03-07-2006, 05:35 PM The one thing Gibbs has stressed, both now and in the past, is that NO ONE is above the team. Come on, folks--who was the one guy guaranteed to say something negative and embarrasing during the season, for the last two years. I know he's been hurt, and that he has been (and may well still be) a probowl player, but he was never on the same page as everyone else. His comments when Gibbs arrived were "Well, I'll wait and see..." And that nonesense with the Postons? This guy has been a headache for Gibbs. And he has the biggest salary at a time when we are facing serious troubles with the CBA and all. 11-12 players volunteered to restructure. What did Lavar do?
I loved the guy when he stormed into the backfield and when he created TOs, but this is Gibbs' team, not Lavar's. He had become a distraction, a non-team guy, and we despreately needed the cap help. Too many factors came together on this one. And, in the end, Gibbs gave him a choice--restructre or go. It's not like they said, "Hit the road, punk." I realize that I don't know what the skins were offering, but the opition at least was there to stay. He didn't take it. He's gone.
Hope he doesn't end up in the East, but if he does, we'll be ready for him. Lots of teams end up with situations like this--it happens in today's sports.
taylor21dakila 03-07-2006, 05:49 PM i jus hope he dont become a cowgirl anyone but them!!!!!!!!!!
RobH4413 03-07-2006, 06:23 PM So now the coaches should play players that fans appreciate. Thats how I want my team to be coached. Lets hear it for another 10 years of loosing. I just don't under stand how a coach with all his success in football and nascar made it. He just goes and plays who ever he wants good or bad (its because they are his man) can just keep winning.
yes because that is what i said. if lavar was benched because he wasn't as talented then I have no problem. bench him because he's lavar...and then your at fault...regardless he's gone, im not bitter. I think he would have taken joe gibbs team on his shoulders with success, but im no coach
its not like he's t.o. lavar is a character football player that plays with heart. argue differently and your insane.
dmek25 03-07-2006, 08:24 PM taylor21 welcome.just like thatguy said,its strictly a business decision.just about all high priced stars get cut sometime during their career
BleedBurgundy 03-07-2006, 09:03 PM "The 27-year old recently agreed to a buyout of his contract with the Redskins, instead of waiting until June to be released. In a radio interview in Washington yesterday, Arrington said he wants to stay in the NFC East, but would prefer not to play for the Cowboys, leaving the Eagles and Giants as potential destinations."- Scouts Inc, ESPN Insider...
That says something. Any guy who ever considered himself a "true Redskin" would still have that "anyone but Dallas" mindset. I wish him the best...
BleedBurgundy 03-07-2006, 09:04 PM Hey DMEK, What's up? I didn't know there were any other Lancaster people on this site...
Pocket$ $traight 03-07-2006, 10:03 PM I think the best thing that could happen would be him going to a team in the east but it won't be Philly. Philly runs a defense like Williams, the sum is much greater than the parts. Also, the Philly D is based on discipline and Lavar showed this year that he can function in a disciplined system but he cannot thrive. I would just line up Cooley on his side and watch Cooley score touchdowns on Lavar like Shockey (and any other pro bowl tight end). How come it was the Grim Reaper who had all of the big plays against the tight ends and not Lavar?
jermus22 03-07-2006, 10:33 PM Based on all I've read about Lavar's departure and remarks, he seemed to show some real class, especially after his complaints last season. I wish him the best; he certainly provided us with some exciting moments throughout his career here.
mcalderone10 03-08-2006, 12:39 AM Based on all I've read about Lavar's departure and remarks, he seemed to show some real class, especially after his complaints last season. I wish him the best; he certainly provided us with some exciting moments throughout his career here.
That's what i've noticed as well about him being classy. I think the media made it worse by making it an issue like they always do. I hate how skins fans are so quick to so good riddance.
HE KILLED TROY AIKMAN. It was in the film room i watched it so many times i still see aikman w/ his head down getting patted on the back and he looks up as if to say i'm dying.
I bleed burgundy and possibly some gold hasn't happened yet but i think its in there and he was part of the team #2 overall draft pick always gonna have respect for him and extra thanks to him for sayin he doesn't wanna go to the _alice cowgirls.