The CBA: The NFLPA and Players Are Greedy and/or Dumb

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03-04-2006, 11:27 PM
i kinda agree. These idiots that are negotiating should realize that the NFL has a golden goose. Without it, we are just like MLB, NBA, and NHL. they should work above their petty differences for the good of the everyone involved, instead of being such greedy ass bastards.

03-04-2006, 11:44 PM
I do know that country folks know nothing about big money. When you do, let me know.

:bs:Ok, so Saden you think you know more about money than country people because you live in Seattle, and I'm assuming you work in the financial sector. You really have no basis to say that country people know nothing about money. You don't know my financial status, for all you know, I might know a little bit more about big money than you.

I agree with you that players have the right to try and maximize their salaries, as employees. You would have to acknowledge that they run the risk of screwing themselves by pushing it too far (a greater setback than the wealthier owners would experience.) Because of this, the owners have more leverage in the negotiations, and therefore, the players union is the group that I would say is being more greedy, stupid, and wreckless.

03-04-2006, 11:56 PM
Give it up. Football is an entertainment bussiness, like movie stars or musicians we pay to see the talent. Certain star individuals are responsible for generating Billions of dollars in sales of Jerseys, shoes, movies, pictures and TV rights.
Stars like Tom Cruise, Angelina Jolie, U2 or Rolling Stones get paid MILLIONS just to show up and do their thing because people want to see THEM.
Same goes for NFL football, I watch football to see the talented players. They are the show. I do not pay to see Dan Snyder or anyother owner. The owners realize that and that is why they pay big salaries to keep certain players.

The players might seems greedy but they just want to be fairly compensted for money they have a big hand in generating. If you, lifetimeskin, singlehandley made your boss $5 million in revenue because of your work and your boss sells your picture and jersey number and makes another $5million, do you feel you should be getting a portion of the $10 million? You better.
Microsoft is a terrible comparison because Bill Gates and a handful of bright computer geeks were the firsts to patent an operating system (windows) that revolutionized the computer world. Bill Gates generated this income by producing and patenting Windows, not some average Joe that works for him. See the difference?

03-05-2006, 05:00 AM
I think the union is being the most stupid, and the owners the most greedy. The point of the CBA (from the union's perspective) isn't to protect the top-paid athletes. The goal is to protect the sub-median athletes. For example, the 3rd round rookies making the league minimum, or the vets making the vet-minimum. The CBA protects things like retirement accounts and health benefits.

I wouldn't focus on the average salary - the mean salary is the more important figure. I think it's around $700-$800k. It's still a lot, even if you take into account the ~5 year average NFL career (over $100k/year). However, it isn't that much given the lifestyle these guys try to live.

03-05-2006, 05:18 AM
:bs:Ok, so Saden you think you know more about money than country people because you live in Seattle, and I'm assuming you work in the financial sector. You really have no basis to say that country people know nothing about money. You don't know my financial status, for all you know, I might know a little bit more about big money than you.

I agree with you that players have the right to try and maximize their salaries, as employees. You would have to acknowledge that they run the risk of screwing themselves by pushing it too far (a greater setback than the wealthier owners would experience.) Because of this, the owners have more leverage in the negotiations, and therefore, the players union is the group that I would say is being more greedy, stupid, and wreckless.

I know country folk, and while country folk care about paying their rent and bills like everyone else there is a difference between country folk and non-county folk. The big difference being the fact that they think 500K for a house is a lot. They don't care what kind of house it is or where it is located. The truth is once you get beyond a certain monetary amount country folks will be overwhelmed. They can't grasp the value of money in relation to the value of property, the cost of goods and lifestyle. Most of the current players are country folks who have worked hard to earn their keep. Some players have grasped the value of money while others are still country and are spending it as if it's monopoly money.

I don't know your financial status nor do I care. I will say this though, one's speech on money matters can hint at the financial status. My family has gone from very rich to dirt poor to middle class. I know the value of money and what matters is making enough money to live the life you want. All I am saying is that no one has the right to call someone else greedy for trying to negotiate for better wages.

As for who has the upper hand, well the NFL players of course. If they didn't they wouldn't be getting the bigger percentage of the revenue right now.

03-05-2006, 06:21 AM
saden i agree everyone has the right to maximize their earnings.where we disagree is that the players hold the upper hand.while they are considered to be the product,5 years from now the whole product line changes.meaning me and you and everyone else here will still be cheering for whomever is donning the burgendy and gold,not arrington or anyone 1982 when the scabs played 3 games,did you still want the skins to win?of course you did.because of the length of a normal nfl career is so short,the players are trying to squeeze every penny they can out of the most normal circles,this definitly could be construed as greed.those players,like any other employee,have the right to look for employment elsewhere,but we all know the nfl is the goose that keeps laying the golden age.

03-05-2006, 06:34 AM
There wouldn't be players if there wasn't the game.

The game should always be viewed in higher reguard than any player ever to play the game. Everyone is making plenty of money...

I am afraid that Snyder is probably involved in this owners sharing profits problems. I can't blame him as a business moves, but we're talking the NFL and this non agreement could cost the NFL most of their loyal fans, but makes it more profitable. Profitable for the short term. NFL will turn into MLB or XFL within 5 years if these peeps on both sides don't realize what they're messing with!

That Guy
03-05-2006, 09:16 AM
Microsoft is a terrible comparison because Bill Gates and a handful of bright computer geeks were the firsts to patent an operating system (windows) that revolutionized the computer world. Bill Gates generated this income by producing and patenting Windows, not some average Joe that works for him. See the difference?

actually, they sold DOS to ibm for $2million and THEN went out and bought it for $50,000 from some guy that programmed it himself in his basement.

windows and apple both ripped off windowed interfaces and inventions (like the mouse) from PARC labs (owned by xerox) who's board didn't think that the research and development would ever be useful.

That Guy
03-05-2006, 09:19 AM
I know country folk, and while country folk care about paying their rent and bills like everyone else there is a difference between country folk and non-county folk. The big difference being the fact that they think 500K for a house is a lot. They don't care what kind of house it is or where it is located. The truth is once you get beyond a certain monetary amount country folks will be overwhelmed. They can't grasp the value of money in relation to the value of property, the cost of goods and lifestyle. Most of the current players are country folks who have worked hard to earn their keep. Some players have grasped the value of money while others are still country and are spending it as if it's monopoly money.

that's not a sweeping and derogatory generalization by any means...

maybe we can get bac on topic without pointlessly insulting each other?

That Guy
03-05-2006, 09:22 AM
There wouldn't be players if there wasn't the game.

The game should always be viewed in higher reguard than any player ever to play the game. Everyone is making plenty of money...

I am afraid that Snyder is probably involved in this owners sharing profits problems. I can't blame him as a business moves, but we're talking the NFL and this non agreement could cost the NFL most of their loyal fans, but makes it more profitable. Profitable for the short term. NFL will turn into MLB or XFL within 5 years if these peeps on both sides don't realize what they're messing with!

it won't turn into the XFL ;) the 80+mill a year will continue to be shared, the sharing just won't be expanded. some teams might go clippers and have a 10-15mill payroll each year and pocket the rest, but the nfl has survived without a cap before... it could turn into MLB, but the bad teams would be able to be pretty decent (talent wise) and still be profitable if the owners choose.

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