Sheriff Gonna Getcha
02-28-2006, 08:28 PM
Hey Canuck,
If you see this, could you answer the following question? The cap sheets that we have up shows the veterans' cap figures. I understand that veterans' salaries are higher than their cap figures since teams get cap "rebates" if they sign older veterans. Do your cap figures reflect these "rebates?"
02-28-2006, 10:31 PM
so what players would now have to be cut in addition to the cuts expected?
02-28-2006, 10:32 PM
I hope you are right. However, Cerrato and Gibbs have both fairly clearly, if implictly, said in recent days that if no extension is reached, it is going to be pretty bad for the team. I'm getting ready to have my heart broken.
Well, let's not worry about it too much yet. Just remember, we're not the only team that will have to deal with this. We have Gibbs on our side...we have a great coaching staff. That is one thing that won't change this coming season. We might lose some players we would rather keep, but it could be a blessing in just never know.
02-28-2006, 10:54 PM
Honestly, I'm just trying to think of who I hope survies this......
I'm not going to kid myself anymore....Thursday is going to be really, REALLY bad.
02-28-2006, 11:04 PM
I am actually scared for the first time
"In past years, you'd see a lot of guys released who maybe still had some name value, but who were really in decline in terms of production," said one AFC team executive who was working late Tuesday, trying to figure out how to pare down a prohibitively bloated cap figure. "This year? People are going to be stunned -- not just by the quantity of players who are cut by Thursday, but by the quality, too. It's going to be ugly. There's going to be blood in the streets and, compared to past years, it's going to be from some bluebloods, guys who can still play."
--part of fatass's article
02-28-2006, 11:04 PM
This was posted on ES, I dont really know how realistic this is, but heres a read....
02-28-2006, 11:08 PM
This was posted on ES, I dont really know how realistic this is, but heres a read....
that makes it sound easy :D
i'm still scared :(
Ok i have stayed away from this topic far to long. Now my understanding(hard to call it that) is that the players want like 60% and the teams are only offering 56. something % of revenues that will be allotted to caps in future years. this much i think i know but this is where i get confused. The rich teams like the skins have less a problem than do the cardinals in giving the players money. In this the poorer teams want to share revenues to afford this shit and the rich teams are like HELL NO. so there are like 3 groups all acting a fool....
Now if i got that right(which i know i dont) wouldn't the poor teams be the first to crack. I mean they will havve to compete with teams w/o a cap. the packers won't be able to afford to stay competitive so wouldn't they just agree on paying more in a cap than being horrible w/o a cap??
I am going to learn everything i can
02-28-2006, 11:19 PM
This was posted on ES, I dont really know how realistic this is, but heres a read....
I read this and it seem to work out if all the players help the team out! Here is something that I known not a person wants to hear. Maybe this is a good thing! Let the CBA go away!!! Yes we will take it hard in 06. But we start a new with that damn Cap not hanging over us in 07. Lets face something people that we are in trouble even if a cap is moved up and the CBA is agreeed to. It may not be this year but it will happen soon! :smashfrea To take the hurt now or later but its going to hurt sometime!!! :spank:
02-28-2006, 11:22 PM
I read this and it seem to work out if all the players help the team out! Here is something that I known not a person wants to hear. Maybe this is a good thing! Let the CBA go away!!! Yes we will take it hard in 06. But we start a new with that damn Cap not hanging over us in 07. Lets face something people that we are in trouble even if a cap is moved up and the CBA is agreeed to. It may not be this year but it will happen soon! :smashfrea To take the hurt now or later but its going to hurt sometime!!! :spank:
Yeah well with our luck 2007 will be uncapped then they'll throw it right back on in 2008. I still say the NFL should install a soft cap.
02-28-2006, 11:32 PM
can someone please explain the 30% rule in common terms? what are the immediate problems that this will bring up for teams, basicly what happens, i am so confused!!!