#56fanatic 02-14-2006, 09:16 AM The dude is a head case. If he doesn't get balls thrown to him he acts like another TO, without the talent. If he didn't respect Parcells, what makes you think he will respect anyone on our staff. Thats why Dallas chucked him, thats why we should leave him alone. All he wants is the money. Its amazing how some of these guys play halfass until contract year. then have a pretty decent year, wine and cry about getting paid, so they can feed their family, and then just collect the checks and play halfass again. Thats what this guy is all about.
He had a good year with no-name QB's in Cleveland but the fact they are so willing to let him walk has to tell you something.
Schneed10 02-14-2006, 09:59 AM This guy is not the answer. He got in a physical confrontation with Parcells during a practice. Threw a towel in his face and cursed at him.
That's not what we want on our team. The guy obviously does not respect authority like he should. Redskin players should want to work hard in practice, they shouldn't resent a coach when he pushes them to work hard. Bryant is not what we want.
Give me David Givens.
PSUSkinsFan21 02-14-2006, 10:14 AM The dude is a head case. If he doesn't get balls thrown to him he acts like another TO, without the talent. If he didn't respect Parcells, what makes you think he will respect anyone on our staff. Thats why Dallas chucked him, thats why we should leave him alone. All he wants is the money. Its amazing how some of these guys play halfass until contract year. then have a pretty decent year, wine and cry about getting paid, so they can feed their family, and then just collect the checks and play halfass again. Thats what this guy is all about.
Amen. I have no interest in Bryant whatsoever.
scowan 02-14-2006, 10:23 AM Guys, it is just like going to work for another lesser company in the same industry. Places like Cleveland and New Orleans and Arizonia are where washed-up player go to end their careers. I would not take anyone from any of those teams. That is unless we could get somehow get one of the Arizonia receivers!
diehardskin2982 02-14-2006, 12:29 PM I have to disagree with all of you who don't think he would fit in here. You guys listen to the media and automaticly think it's all truth. The same media that is biaist against the skins. Why is he such a bad guy? I honestly can't remember ever hearing Bryant babying in the media about anything like TO. Did he get arrested for something that I missed. The tuna is a known asshole to his players, which is the compete opposite of Gibbs, who supports and deflects attention away from players. Do you guys hate on this man because he toasted our asses when he played us or something? I think he would complement moss, and is the type of player that we would look at. why?
1. He is Big, fast and has great hands.
2. He's young and on the verge of blowing up into a super star.
3. His average ypc is 14.8
on a side note: Alot of Pittsburgh players come from VA, I wonder where is he from?
Schneed10 02-14-2006, 01:14 PM I have to disagree with all of you who don't think he would fit in here. You guys listen to the media and automaticly think it's all truth. The same media that is biaist against the skins. Why is he such a bad guy? I honestly can't remember ever hearing Bryant babying in the media about anything like TO. Did he get arrested for something that I missed. The tuna is a known asshole to his players, which is the compete opposite of Gibbs, who supports and deflects attention away from players. Do you guys hate on this man because he toasted our asses when he played us or something? I think he would complement moss, and is the type of player that we would look at. why?
1. He is Big, fast and has great hands.
2. He's young and on the verge of blowing up into a super star.
3. His average ypc is 14.8
on a side note: Alot of Pittsburgh players come from VA, I wonder where is he from?
Just because a coach is a "known asshole", that does not give you the excuse to be insubordinate and throw a towel in his face and curse at him. If you don't like your boss' demeanor you still have to do your job. And don't mistake Joe Gibbs for a softy. He will come down on a player when it's necessary, and I don't want that player reacting by throwing a towel in his face. He's not a Gibbs player, to suggest otherwise is downright crazy. It's almost like you don't know Joe Gibbs at all.
dmek25 02-14-2006, 01:41 PM again i say no, no, and more no......
firstdown 02-14-2006, 02:59 PM I have to disagree with all of you who don't think he would fit in here. You guys listen to the media and automaticly think it's all truth. The same media that is biaist against the skins. Why is he such a bad guy? I honestly can't remember ever hearing Bryant babying in the media about anything like TO. Did he get arrested for something that I missed. The tuna is a known asshole to his players, which is the compete opposite of Gibbs, who supports and deflects attention away from players. Do you guys hate on this man because he toasted our asses when he played us or something? I think he would complement moss, and is the type of player that we would look at. why?
1. He is Big, fast and has great hands.
2. He's young and on the verge of blowing up into a super star.
3. His average ypc is 14.8
on a side note: Alot of Pittsburgh players come from VA, I wonder where is he from?I have to disagree with you that the Tuna is an AH to his players. The only ones that don't get along with Tuna are the one's not willing to work hard which he expects from all his players. If he was such an AH why have so many of his former players joined the Cowboys. I'm not a fan of the Tuna but he does know how to win. We where just a little better than them this year. I just had to add that.
scowan 02-14-2006, 03:19 PM Other than being a little younger than David Patten, what has Antonio Bryant done that makes him better than Patten? I mean Patten is on our team and Brunell did not even look at him more than 5-6 times a game. I don't see anyone else getting any more looks than that, no matter who they are. Maybe Saunders will change all of that, but the Skins are a running team that tries to hit the big one to Moss every once in a while and goes to Cooley underneath. I agree that we need another receiver, but I don't see Bryant as a significant upgrade to Patten.