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irish 01-30-2006, 02:26 PM I'm sure nobody besides redskins fans care whether or not AM is in the HOF.
I"m not surprised the interview was a dud, the DP show itself is a dud. It just not worth listening to anymore.
12thMan 01-30-2006, 02:27 PM This guy is such a hypocrite, he's not voting for Monk because no one outside of DC cares? Yet he pushes for Harry Carson? As if anyone outside of NY can remember the guys name.
It's funny how he backs Curtis martin and say's that he hopes that his anonimity doesn't hurt him on the ballot, sounds a lot like Monk doesn't it.
Russ Grimm over Monk? We all love Russ but lets be real. Monk held all time NFL records, most catches in a season, most consecutive games with a catch, and the all time leader with receptions, ALL TIME!!!!!!
Obviously there is something else there, Monk should have been a first ballot no brainer, and that's why I don't put a lot of stock in popularity contests, such as the pro-bowl and the hall of fame, are they truly about talent? Or just a matter of being one of the boy's?
Dude, for the first time in a while I totally agree with you.
Good post.
TheMalcolmConnection 01-30-2006, 02:31 PM I've already said to Gmanc and cpayne over IM that sports writers shouldn't hold so much weight in the voting system. It should be up to a number of groups, specifically players, coaches and MOST IMPORTANTLY fans. Just because you write about sports what gives you the authority to or not to immortalize a deserving player?
dmek25 01-30-2006, 02:31 PM does anyone know the reasoning behind monk not getting in?his stats support him to the hall
Beemnseven 01-30-2006, 02:40 PM In a nutshell for those that missed it...
Theismann says that Peter King has so much influence among Hall of Fame voters, that since he won't vote Art Monk in, nobody else will either.
Peter King replies --
1. He doesn't have the influence Theismann thinks he does.
2. He's not saying he'll never vote Art Monk in, and that he does keep an open mind on the subject. He admits that there's a compelling argument that Monk should be in, but he'd put Russ Grimm in before Monk. Says that if someone tells him something about Monk that he hasn't heard before, he'll consider it.
3. He's not hearing from opponents and others throughtout the league and other cities that Monk deserves to be in -- it's only from former teammates of Monk, and those in circles around Washington D.C.
There you have it ... and like you've read from other posts, they're right, it wasn't much of an interview. No challenges from Dan Patrick, nothing about the disparity in numbers comparing Art Monk to say, Lynn Swann. Nothing. Pretty lame.
skins052bgr8 01-30-2006, 02:49 PM Dumb ass! I will support T.O to be in the Hall of Fame, but monk is not deserving. Doesn't the hall represent the best of the best in the NFL and you want those involved to be respected and instill pride in the game. T.O you have got to be shittin me, true the guy can ball but damn he single handedly has made two organizations he has been associated with look like shit and a complete embarrassment. He's got my vote that is what we are looking for and want to be the example that players have to go off of to get into the Hall of Fame beside greats like Joe Gibbs. Very fitting don't you think.
This guy is such a hypocrite, he's not voting for Monk because no one outside of DC cares? Yet he pushes for Harry Carson? As if anyone outside of NY can remember the guys name.
It's funny how he backs Curtis martin and say's that he hopes that his anonimity doesn't hurt him on the ballot, sounds a lot like Monk doesn't it.
Russ Grimm over Monk? We all love Russ but lets be real. Monk held all time NFL records, most catches in a season, most consecutive games with a catch, and the all time leader with receptions, ALL TIME!!!!!!
Obviously there is something else there, Monk should have been a first ballot no brainer, and that's why I don't put a lot of stock in popularity contests, such as the pro-bowl and the hall of fame, are they truly about talent? Or just a matter of being one of the boy's?
Good post chief!
Support T.O.?
Please, what has he done at this point in his career to be even mentioned in a discussion regarding the Hall??
backrow 01-30-2006, 04:02 PM I will support T.O to be in the Hall of Fame, but monk is not deserving.
I missed something in the translation.
I thought the thread was about PK not voting for Art Monk, and the D. Patrick show. I totally missed how TO quietly crept in.
And you and I disagree sir. Art Monk deserves to be in the HOF, hands down!
We don't even need a poll for this question! His statistics do not lie!
The HailRedskins.com forum has many HOF voters with their e-mail addresses, which is now shown below. So, you might want to flood their in-boxes.
Arizona Kent Somers, Arizona Republic kent.somers@arizonarepublic.com
Atlanta Furman Bisher, The Atlanta Journal fbisher@ajc.com
Baltimore Scott Garceau, WMAR-TV garceau@wmar.com
Buffalo Mark Gaughan, Buffalo News mgaughan@buffnews.com
Carolina Charles Chandler, Charlotte Observer cchandler@charlotteobserver.com
Chicago Don Pierson, Chicago Tribune* dpierson@tribune.com
Cincinnati Chick Ludwig, Dayton Daily News cludwig@daytondailynews.com
Cleveland Tony Grossi, Cleveland Plain Dealer http://www.cleveland.com/weblogs/hey...il_author.html
Dallas Rick Gosselin, Dallas Morning News* rgosselin@dallasnews.com
Denver Jeff Legwold, Rocky Mountain News legwoldj@rockymountainnews.com
Detroit Jerry Green, The Detroit News* jergreen@prodigy.net
Green Bay Cliff Christl, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel cchristl@journalsentinel.com
Houston John McClain, Houston Chronicle* john.mcclain@chron.com
Indianapolis Mike Chappell, Indianapolis Star mike.chappell@indystar.com
Jacksonville Sam Kouvaris, WJXT-TV http://www.news4jax.com/contact/index.html
Kansas City Bob Gretz, KCFX Overland Park, KS Unknown
Miami Edwin Pope, Miami Herald* epope@herald.com
Minnesota Sid Hartman, The Minneapolis Star-Tribune sidh@startribune.com
New England Ron Borges, Boston Globe Unknown
New Orleans Pete Finney, Times-Picayune 504-826-3802
New York (Giants) Vinny DiTrani, Bergen Record ditrani@northjersey.com
New York (Jets) Paul Zimmerman, Sports Illustrated go to cnnsi.com
Oakland Frank Cooney, The Sports Xchange fcooney@sportsxchange.com
Philadelphia Paul Domowitch, Philadelphia Daily News pdomo@aol.com
Pittsburgh Ed Bouchette, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette ebouchette@post-gazette.com
St. Louis Bernie Miklasz, St. Louis Post-Dispatch bjmiklasz@post-dispatch.com
San Diego Jerry Magee, San Diego Union Tribune* jerrymagee@uniontrib.com
San Francisco Ira Miller, San Francisco Chronicle* imiller@sfchronicle.com
Seattle John Clayton, ESPN/ESPN Magazine go to espn.com
Tampa Bay Ira Kaufman, Tampa Tribune ikaufman@tampatrib.com
Tennessee David Climer, The Tennessean dclimer@tennessean.com
Washington Len Shapiro, Washington Post* Badgerlen@hotmail.com.
saden1 01-30-2006, 04:52 PM Tedy Bruschi a HOFer? No way! And since when are players voted in to represent a "team?"