01-21-2006, 01:28 AM
http://cgi.ebay.com/Seahawks-Redskins-Playoff-Air-Rain_W0QQitemZ8752326009QQcategoryZ25214QQrdZ1QQcm dZViewItem
I'll sell ya some air from Richmond! I cant believe someone would buy this. I guess it is still under $1.50 but still. How ridiculous. Maybe next season I take an empty bottle with me every home game and sell the 06 season series of Fedex air! sounds like a winner to me.
I'll sell ya some air from Richmond! I cant believe someone would buy this. I guess it is still under $1.50 but still. How ridiculous. Maybe next season I take an empty bottle with me every home game and sell the 06 season series of Fedex air! sounds like a winner to me.