Guaranteed Seats at Super Bowl XLI

01-18-2006, 03:20 PM
Go and check out:

There you can buy an option on a seat - or up to 4 seats together - for NEXT year's Super Bowl. Your option is tied to the team you identify. And the only way you get to cash in your option is for the team you identify to make it to Super Bowl XLI.

Last time I checked, an option for the Redskins was $60. That's money you pay now and don't see again because if the Skins make it to the game next year, you then have the right to pay face price for seats in Section Wherever. If the Skins don't make it to the game, you don't get squadoosh.

Here's the interesting part. Suppose the Skins start out 12-0 next year and everyone has them as the leading contender to go to the game. And suppose you just found out that you have to be in the wilds of Africa for work during the Super Bowl. Well, in that case there will probably be people willing to pay more than $60 for the option you already own and you can sell that to them on the same website.

Here's a website where no one can complain that the Redskins aren't getting any respect. The price of their options will be directly tied to how well they do next season. The price now is based on what Skins' fans are willing to pay to own these options before the season begins.

So for everyone here who is convinced that the Skins will be in that game next year, here's your chance to nail down up to 4 seats at the game...

01-18-2006, 03:45 PM
WOW!!! That is VERY VERY VERY tempting!

01-18-2006, 04:17 PM
That's why I posted the link here. I thought a few of the folks here might want to try to have that kind of option in their hands for not a huge amount of up-front money.

01-18-2006, 04:19 PM
Think of what a marketing idea this is. There are 32 teams so 32 people can purchase the same option for their team. Assume that $60 is the average than they get around $2,000 above the price of the ticket and I bet thats a low average.

01-18-2006, 04:27 PM
Sorry I was wrong the Skins are $199 each not $60. So if you take my last example they are getting around $6,300 per ticket and they charge a buyers fee and they get the ticket price. Wow I which I had about 100 SB tickets to sell.

01-18-2006, 04:44 PM
Sounds like a scam. I'd like to know if anyone has gotten tickets from them before. And how exactly do they get enough tickets to meet the demand?

01-18-2006, 04:46 PM
yeah someone said the same thing at extreme and they said this type of thing is always a scam.

That Guy
01-19-2006, 01:55 AM
that'd be illegal except maybe in vegas, but i highly doubt the nfl would let someone get away with that kind of thing in public. its like scalping tickets, only up to 32 times worse.

01-19-2006, 04:52 PM

They don't need a lot of seats to cover demand. Assume they have 10 seats and no more. If they assure that there are never more than 5 options sold on every team, then they have all the tickets they can possibly need to cover all the options sold - - five for the AFC team and five for the NFC team. All the options sold on all the other 30 teams are null and void.

If you are in the ticket brokering business - I'm not but I know someone who is and who makes a tidy sum from it - getting hold of a few dozen tickets to big events is not all that hard. Now getting a few hundred tickets is hard, but not 30-50. And he's been in the biz for about 10 years now.

Is this a scam? It could very well be. But so could an auction on e-bay be a scam when you bid for tickets and send along your check and you get counterfeit ones in return. You can also get scammed by scalpers outside the stadium. It will be interesting to see if this place stays around after March Madness - - where they also have options for sale...

That Guy:

Assuming this site is on the up-and-up, I doubt that the NFL has much legal recourse. They are selling the ticket at face value to the option-holder. That is the only thing that the league can enforce once they sell the ticket to whomever provided them to the site at face value. Consider this example:

I buy two tix to the super Bowl from the NFL at face value. I give my local church those two tix to the Super Bowl and they have a raffle for the tickets with each ticket costing $10. The church takes in $10K in raffle ticket sales draws a number and gives away the pair of tix. Do you really think the NFL would have a ghost of a chance suing me as the donor or the church as the "scalper" here? I don't.

Now if the person who originally bought the tix sold them to the site at more than face value, then the league MIGHT have a recourse against that original buyer. But they won't know who that is until game time and they go to the trouble of identifying who is seated in every seat and matching that ID to the person who nominally bouught the tix in the first place. That's an awful lot of work and I doubt they would try to do it.

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