01-09-2006, 09:24 AM
I just love all the negative articles like this. What a clown. He says Seattle is 6-1 in games decided by a TD or less but fails to acknowledge the opponents: Atlanta, St. Louis, Dallas, SF, NYG and Tenn. Seattle played a lot of close games vs some lousy teams...they were in the worst division in football and then had cushy games outside the division as well.
I hope the Redskins expose them.
01-09-2006, 09:39 AM
On top of that it's like everyone forgot we scored over 30 in EACH OF OUR LAST 3 games! I hope this fires them up. We're 8.5 dogs, that's ridiculous.
01-09-2006, 09:48 AM
Wow that line is a slap in the face. I wonder if they realize Shawn Springs will probably be back, and it will be Springs, Rogers, Taylor, and Clark/P-lo/Stoutmire in our defensive backfield. With Harris at the nickleback, with help over top.
01-09-2006, 10:43 AM
Very funny how the Redskins get no respect. Last night I was floored by what TJ said on espn last night. His most disappointing team over the weekend was the Skins LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How can he say that when he was exspecting the Skins to lose you ****ing idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TJ and Chris floor me everytime and oh Dr. Z and Peter King do the same. I guess to be a national NFL guy you gotta show your I hate the skins card before you apply. Steve Young was pissed off that the Skins won if you seen his reaction after the game. NO respect!!!
Very funny how the Redskins get no respect. Last night I was floored by what TJ said on espn last night. His most disappointing team over the weekend was the Skins LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How can he say that when he was exspecting the Skins to lose you ****ing idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TJ and Chris floor me everytime and oh Dr. Z and Peter King do the same. I guess to be a national NFL guy you gotta show your I hate the skins card before you apply. Steve Young was pissed off that the Skins won if you seen his reaction after the game. NO respect!!!
He really said the Skins were the most disappointing despite the Giants laying a goose egg at home??
01-09-2006, 11:09 AM
He really said the Skins were the most disappointing despite the Giants laying a goose egg at home??
one thing that I have learned over the years is these so called people who believe they KNOW ALL really know very little! The Skins were up against the TOP D in the NFL!!! There was a reason for that!!! The Bucs didn't make that up they earned it over 16 games! They played us great and did some things we didn't think of. Portis hurt didn't help and we do at time sit on leads. This week is this week! What will happen???? A D battle royal!!!!!
01-09-2006, 11:18 AM
He really said the Skins were the most disappointing despite the Giants laying a goose egg at home??
wow, that's just assanine.
If a win is disappointing I hope I'm very disappointed come Super Bowl XL!!
01-09-2006, 11:23 AM
Amazed the SPORT TALKING HEADS are spouting off about the CLOSE WIN BY WASHINGTON .... So far, ( I know it is just Monday) many of THOSE TALKING HEADS have the SKINS losing to SEATTLE .... LET THEM RUN THEIR PIE HOLES .... the Skins will WIN AGAINST SEATTLE ...
01-09-2006, 11:38 AM
Most of these guys are in and have been in the "I told you so" mode about the Redskins for most of the season.
Really, even Sally Jenkins who writes for our very own WP crowed about the Giants the week we smashed them.
I'm over it now, we'll beat down Seattle and Chicago and they'll still say we shouldn't be in the Super Bowl.