01-08-2006, 09:29 PM
hey guys, look. any success the Skins may have is solely because of Williams.
Lenny is not even worth getting pissed about anymore. The guys lost all crediblity!!
01-08-2006, 09:52 PM
How can ESPN not fire him? I am a little angry that ESPN would allow him to continue to work for them. They can't be blind to this...
They need to get that tape into the right hands over at ESPN...
01-09-2006, 01:54 AM
I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. I just don't see how one can discredit an offensive strategy because it's a run first strategy. It's alot tougher to be successful running the ball to move the offense downfield. If it wasn't so tough, there would be no need for a quarterback - we'd just direct snap to the running back on every play.
Saying the run-first is a basic philosophy behind the Gibbs offense is in no way meant to discredit the strategy. Its just that there's nothing innovative about it a la the schemes of Greg Williams. Lest this be misunderstood, my original post is not a "why do we need Gibbs" post - that would be a Pastabelly type statement to make. My opinion is simply that Gibbs' has brought more to the redskins by way of his genius and expertise on the team building and team management front than on the innovative playcalling front.
01-09-2006, 02:05 AM
Totally off subject, but our buddy Lenny reminds me of this of the fat goofy dude from the show "Viva La Bam". Its a terrible show on MTV.....
01-09-2006, 08:12 AM
He has devolved into a sad, petty little (relatively) man. This is all he has, and he ain't got much.
01-09-2006, 08:47 AM
Totally off subject, but our buddy Lenny reminds me of this of the fat goofy dude from the show "Viva La Bam". Its a terrible show on MTV.....
Yeah, somebody posted a picture of Don Vito over at ES. I've always thought that his picture on looked like Vito.
01-09-2006, 10:20 AM
k 1) Viva La Bam is hilarious...but since i have the sense of humor of a 15 year old adolescent male, then of course I think that.
2) Pastabelly is doing his job. He creates his opinion, then sticks by it to the end. Would you rather have your columnist who flip flops more than John Kerry, or a guy who admits he hates your team but sticks by his opinion through thick and thin?
As much as I don't like him, he creates bulletin board material and stuff for us to complain about. BTW, don't be surprised if he doesn't take a single Skins fan question tomorrow...
I'd prefer to see a guy admit it when he's wrong, that's all.
Lenny said that by the time Gibbs was done with this second tour of duty he would be just an ordinary Joe.
Well, in year 2 he's got the Skins in the playoffs and a wild card winner.
If Lenny isn't man enough to admit that Gibbs is anything but an 'ordinary Joe' then it's obvious the guy has an axe to grind. His language and reactions to the guys from ES are inexcusable in my opinion, this guy has a job because of the fans but he's basically spitting in our faces.
Of course I can't say if the guys from ES were at all to blame for perhaps provoking some hostility outta him. And I'm sure all the fans on his chats calling him names and making fat jokes doesn't help matters either.
01-09-2006, 12:02 PM
One of my biggest problems with Lenny is that he positions himself as two different types of journalists. One has an opinion and states it regularly. This makes him a columnist. We usually have issues with his opinions but that's all they are; opinions. The other guy positions himself as an insider. He breaks stories with regularity and actually does a real good job on this front. His work as an insider is very good and should be commended. Problem is when you are an insider it is hard for readers to seperate your opinion from your insider info. I think you can effectively be one or the other but I think to be both you have to be very good and he doesn't pull it off that well.
01-09-2006, 12:29 PM
k 2) Would you rather have your columnist who flip flops more than John Kerry, or a guy who admits he hates your team but sticks by his opinion through thick and thin?
LOL! Flippy-Floppy! Oh, my! LOL!
Great line BDBohonzie!