01-04-2006, 06:10 AM
portis will have to play a long time, so it is hard to speculate. he may not want to play until he is 35 or whatever emmit was
Yea who knows how long he will play. On a side note Big C, I noticed you go to VA Tech brother...I attend UVA, GO HOOS GO! Hey atleast we have one thing in common.
What i meant by "Dynasty" was that the cowboys were in superbowl/playoff contention for more than half of Emmitts career.
KC does have a good line. if Larry is going to be in the 10k+ career yards group, he is going to need that group of guys to stay together for more than half his career.
larry has had a great season, but if he was on the 49ers, he wouldnt have broken the 1200 yard mark in the full season. but thats just my opinion.
01-04-2006, 09:33 AM
I remember hearing Portis say during pre-season (if memory serves correctly) he's not interested in playing that long. As long as Emmitt, that is.
The way he runs and blocks, I'm not sure he would last that long.
01-04-2006, 09:39 AM
Very interesting stats - looks like Portis is in excellent company for his first four years.
I think it's pretty hard to speculate about him keeping up the pace and beating someone like Smith. RB is the most physically demanding, physically punishing position on the field and they don't usually last long. Look at guys like Priest Holmes or Terrel Davis, just taking a beating. It's pretty rare for a RB to keep up that level of production for long, let alone until his late 30s / early 40s.
I think Portis is one hell of a tough guy - he takes a beating every week and keeps on going. It's really a matter of how long his body can take the punishment more than anything else.
If defenders would stop horse-collaring him (it's a damn horse-collar, under the pads or not!) he'd probably have a much better shot.
01-04-2006, 07:48 PM
I would like to see him hold that long if it's in a skins uni, but I honestly just don't see it happening. But also didn't Portis come out of college a couple years younger than Emmit did when he left? Plus as much as I love our o-linemen and I hate to admit something positive about the cowpies, that line that blocked for Smith was one of the best offensive lines of all time and I still believe he gets more credit than he deserves for the record.
01-04-2006, 08:58 PM
The way he runs and blocks, I'm not sure he would last that long.
bless Portis, my hero, but i have serious doubts anyone that small can last long playing that hard. he's no idiot, he knows it too and to me its just more proof he cares more about winning a championship than stats or records.
Sammy Baugh Fan
01-04-2006, 10:57 PM
A RING makes even a short fella be a large man.
Hail Skins and Heck Yeah Clit-un!
01-05-2006, 12:10 AM
yah LT doesn't break crazy yardage numbers on the ground but to catch 100 balls in a season for a RB is insane
I still see him listed as Questionable on Redskins.com. Where did you see this?
01-05-2006, 12:13 AM
it's gonna take hard work, not getting injured, and maybe he'll have a shot. Portis has to have consistent 1500 yard seasons if he expects to be rated up there.
01-05-2006, 01:34 PM
The only thing that gives me pause is the beating that Portis has taken the last several years. Heavily used runningbacks tend to burn out after a couple seasons. Smith's record career statistics owe more to his anomalous ability to avoid injury than to his brilliance as an athlete.