01-03-2006, 10:06 PM
The intro was very lame, and not really creative.
That intro was pretty lame but, if you look at the article on the opening page it goes on to give the Skins a ton of praise.
Take a look.
Of course the article will give praise, because it is a part of the official site. Most official sites will not bash an opponent, and the Redskins site always get praise to its opponents. I am sure in the Bucs forums, everyone does not feel the same way.
to hear all the talk about the head coach firing/vacancies and not be one of the teams there talking about.
also isnt it weird how every year at this time were all focused on the draft and which players are going to be free agents and where coaches are going to end up but this year we just want them all to shut up and talk about the playoffs cause were actually in them.
It's very surreal right now to think we're going to be watching a Redskins playoff game this weekend.
I think a lot of fans are still a bit shell shocked from the last decade or so of failure.
I see threads talking about our QB situation for next year and I keep saying to myself why are we talking about this stuff when we have a playoff game on the horizon. Not that there's anything wrong with that mind you, I just find it a little odd is all. I guess we're so used to talking about the offseason by this time of year it's just habit.
I forgot what it was like to watch a meaningful December game too... against Philly I felt physically ill when they were down 17-7, my heart was racing, my palms were sweaty and I kept thinking this is ridiculous, is this how I felt back in the day when the Skins were a playoff team every year?? It's like I had forgotten what it was like to root for a winner!
01-04-2006, 03:24 PM
i cant believe how pumped everyone is!ive been a fan a long time and i dont remember people being this fired up come plaoff time.i guess there is a lot of younger fans that havent really tasted this part of what its all about.or that the older guys just took being in the playoffs for granted.last night,james hasty on cold pizza said coach gibbs should be a lock for coach of the year but yet no one is even talking about him.i hope everyone realizes how GREAT a coaching staff we really have
01-04-2006, 04:04 PM
man i feel like i was back in elementary school learning words for the first time.